研究業績Research Performance
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Anat Embryol (Berl). 1979 Jan 30;155(2):127-134. | T Iguchi, N Takasugi | Blockade by vitamin A of the occurrence of permanent vaginal changes in mice treated neonatally with 5α-dihydrotestosterone |
J Biol Chem. 1979 Sep 10;254(17):8223-8229. | K Watanabe, M E Powell , S I Hakomori | Isolation and characterization of gangliosides with a new sialosyl linkage and core structures. II. Gangliosides of human erythrocyte membranes |
Biochemistry. 1979 Nov 27;18(24):5502-5504. | K Watanabe, S Hakomori | Gangliosides of human erythrocytes. A novel ganglioside with a unique N-acetylneuraminosyl-(2→ 3)-N-acetylgalactosamine structure |
Bull Chem Soc Jpn. 52(2): 425-427, 1979. | T Ono, H Miyata, K Toei | Polysoap as a new titrant for the determination of sodium dodecylbenzensulfonate by colloid titration |
人口透析研究会会誌 12(3): 935-936, 1979. | 辻井禎,沖垣達,木本克彦,花房博,難波経雄,杉本茂,大森浩之,田辺高由,妹尾左知丸,重井博 | 透析中の白血球減少に関する研究ー透析器への白血球の付着についてー |
倉敷中央病院年報 48( 1): 21-29, 1979. | 妹尾左知丸 | Atypical lymphocytes in myasthenia Gravis and systemic lupus erythematosus (重症筋無力症および全身性紅斑性狼瘡患者の異型リンパ球について) |
重井医学年報 1: 巻頭言-1, 1979. | 小坂淳夫 | 巻頭言 創刊を祝して |
重井医学年報 1: 巻頭言-2, 1979. | 長島秀夫 | 巻頭言 重井病院年報発刊によせて |
重井医学年報 1: 巻頭言-3, 1979. | 重井博 | 巻頭言 発刊に際して |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1980 Jan 29;92(2):638-646. | K Watanabe, S Hakomori, M E Powell, M Yokota | The amphipathic membrane proteins associated with gangliosides: the Paul-Bunnel antigen is one of the gangliophilic proteins |
Proc Japan Acad. 56(B), No.4: 206-210, 1980. | T Okigaki, A Kessous, R Simard | Growth of human Cervical Epithelial Cells in Vitro |
Jour Fac Sci Hokkaido Univ Ser IV, Zool. 22(2): 156-163, 1980. | Y Sado | Properties of Hexose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase from a Japanese ray, Raja pulchra |
J Submicrosc Cytol. 12(3): 345-357, 1980. | S Karasaki, T Okigaki, M Salas | Ultrastructural Differences Between Euploid and Heteroploid liver epithelial cells after progesterone treatment in culture |
Arch Histol Jpn. 1980 Oct;43(4):319-330. | O Ohtani, I Naito | Renal microcirculation of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. A scanning electron microscope study of vascular casts |
In “The mechanisms of Biomineralization in Animals and Plants" (M Omori and N Watabe, eds.), pp.57-65. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, 1980. | T Tsujii | Mineral deposition in mollusc shells |
治療学 4(4): 521-524, 1980. | 大藤真,妹尾左知丸 | SLEに合併したBudd-Chiari症候群 |
倉敷中央病院年報 49(1): 55-64, 1980. | 山下祥一,林肇輝,𧃎昭亮,平田(日比)もとゑ,粟井通泰,妹尾左知丸 | 肝癌の皮膚転移及び腹水播種一転移部位において肉腫様組織像を呈し腹水播種をきたした混合型肝癌の一部剖検例一 |
耳鼻咽喉科 52(10): 721-729, 1980. | 妹尾左知丸 | 感染と生体反応 |
遺伝 34(12): 2-8, 1980. | 妹尾左知丸 | 細胞生物学の歴史 |
遺伝 34(12): 185-196, 1980. | 沖垣達 | 細胞培養をめぐる最近の話題 |
日本新生児学会雑誌 16(4): 611-616, 1980. | 川田清弥,江口勝人,関場香,吉岡保,林肇輝,妹尾左知丸 | 胎生期肝造血の推移 |
重井医学年報 2: 巻頭言, 1980. | 重井博 | 巻頭言 |
重井医学年報 2: 1-5, 1980. | 松浦秀光,有馬暉勝,岡田良雄,長島秀夫,沖垣達 | 成熟ラット培養肝細胞株(RL-34) におけるインスリンリセプター,脱シアルα1酸性糖蛋白リセプターの検討 |
重井医学年報 2: 7-9, 1980. | 小野俊朗 | プラスチック製容器から生理食塩水中に溶出するフタル酸エステル |
重井医学年報 2: 11-20, 1980. | 辻井禎 | ナメクジウオ,Branchiostoma belcheri (Gray)のsolenocyteの微細構造について |
重井医学年報 2: 21-26, 1980. | 内藤一郎, 石川康弘, 池上典子 | 腎糸球体発生におけるFibronectinの分布 |
重井医学年報 2: 53-67, 1980. | 直良博人 | 遺伝子構造と医学研究 |
重井医学年報 2: 141-151, 1980. | 大森浩之,丸山実,八木沢希樹,木下康民,辻井禎 | 高齢者にみられた急性糸球体腎炎の2例 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Cell Biol Int Rep. 1981 Jul;5(7):675-681. | M Naito, S Seno | Importance of antigen-lymphocyte interaction in establishment of cellular immunity |
J Lipid Res. 1981 Aug;22(6):1020-1024. | K Watanabe, Y Arao | A new solvent system for the separation of neutral glycosphingolipids |
J CI in Electron Microscopy. 14(5-6): 445-446, 1981. | S Inoue | A postembedding staining method to localize antigen embedded in plastic- An application on polysaccharide antigens in Candida Albicans- |
妹尾左知丸, 加藤淑裕, 入谷明, 鈴木秋悦, 舘鄰編. 理工学社. 東京. 118-121, 1981. | 妹尾左知丸 | 実験法 序論: 哺乳動物の初期発生一基礎理論と実験法一 |
組織培養 7(5): 157-158, 1981. | 沖垣達 | 肝細胞培養の現状と展望ー2つのシンポジウムからー Liver cell culture: today and tomorrow |
蛋白質 核酸 酵素 26(3): 193-207, 1981. | 渡邊清博 | Ii式血液型の生化学 |
化学の領域 35(8): 49-57, 1981. | 渡邊清博,箱守仙一郎 | ヒト赤血球膜のABH型およびIi型抗原ーその多様性と分化についてー |
含硫アミノ酸 (Sulfur Amino Acids) 4: 247-250, 1981. | 秋田昌彦,富山承郎,沖垣達,妹尾左知丸 | 慢性腎疾患における血漿含硫アミノ酸の変動 |
重井医学年報 3: 25-31, 1981. | 渡邊清博,荒尾靖子 | 家兎赤血球膜に存在するヒト血液型抗原 |
重井医学年報 3: 33-35, 1981. | 沖垣達 | 化学物質毒性試験の現状 |
重井医学年報 3: 37-43, 1981. | 佐渡義一,本郷勝博,渡邊清博 | ラット実験糸球体腎炎 ウシ腎臓皮質からの腎炎惹起性抗原の大量精製法 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Biochemistry. 1982 Mar 2;21(5):928-934. | T Yoshino, K Watanabe, S Hakomori | Chemical synthesis of alpha-L-fucopyranosylceramide and its analogues and preparation of antibodies directed to this glycolipid |
Proc Japan Acad. 58(B), No.6: 160-164, 1982. | M Yamada, N Ikegami, T Okigaki | 39. Proteins from fibroblast conditioned medium mediate and enhance cell adhesion, spreading and growth |
J Clin Electron Microscopy. 15(5-6): 682-683, 1982. | S Ukita, T Tsujii, S Inoue, H Takamiya, Y Kinoshita, S Seno | A method for deplastification and staining of epoxy resin-embedded tissues |
Cancer Res. 1982 Dec;42(12):5249-5254. | R Kannagi, P Levine, K Watanabe, S Hakomori | Recent studies of glycolipid and glycoprotein profiles and characterization of the major glycolipid antigen in gastric cancer of a patient of blood group genotype pp (Tja-) first studied in 1951 |
ln “The Biochemistry and Physiology of Iron " (P Saltman and J Hegenauer, eds.), pp.543-554, Elsevier Biomedical, New York, 1982. | M Awai, Y Yamanoi, J Kuwashima, S Seno | Induction mechanism of diabetes by ferric nitrilotriacetate injection |
ln “The Biochemistry and Physiology of Iron " (P Saltman and J Hegenauer, eds.), pp.583-584, Elsevier Biomedical, New York, 1982. | M Akita, M Awai, T Okigaki, S Seno | Effect of Ferric nitrilotriacetate on pancreatic islet cells in vitro |
新版日本血液学全書 1巻「血球の分化」, 新版日本血液学全書刊行委員会編,丸善,東京,pp.1-22, 1982. | 妹尾左知丸 | 1 血液学,その歴史と当面する諸問題 |
組織培養 8(2): 53-57, 1982. | 山田雅保(訳): C O Stiles (著) | 血小板由来成長因子による結合織細胞の増殖の調節 Control of connective tissue growth by platelet-derived growth factor |
組織培養 8(9): 347-350, 1982. | 沖垣達 | 追憶のCharles M. Pomerat教授 |
血液幹細胞ーその動態と分化-妹尾左知丸編, 福武書店, 岡山, 23-32, 1982. | 林肇輝,𧃎昭亮,妹尾左知丸 | ヒト胎生期造血の形態学 1. 卵黄嚢造血 |
血液幹細胞ーその動態と分化-妹尾左知丸編, 福武書店, 岡山. 33-41, 1982. | 林肇輝,川田清弥,関場香,𧃎昭亮,妹尾左知丸 | ヒト胎生期造血の形態学 2. 肝造血と血液幹細胞 a. 光学顕微鏡的観察 |
血液幹細胞ーその動態と分化-妹尾左知丸編, 福武書店, 岡山, 83-90, 1982. | 𧃎昭亮,林肇輝,妹尾左知丸 | 骨髄造血の発現機構 |
血液幹細胞ーその動態と分化-妹尾左知丸編, 福武書店, 岡山, 91-99, 1982. | 妹尾左知丸,林肇輝,中島豊 | 末梢血有核細胞と骨髄造血 1. 正常動物との大動脈吻合パラビオージスによるX線照射動物無形成骨髄での造血の回復 |
血液幹細胞ーその動態と分化-妹尾左知丸編, 福武書店, 岡山, 101-106, 1982. | 妹尾左知丸,山下祥一,林肇輝,𧃎昭亮 | 末梢血有核細胞と骨髄造血 2. 大動脈吻合パラビオージスによって結合した雌雄ラット骨髄細胞のキメラ状態 |
血液幹細胞ーその動態と分化-妹尾左知丸編, 福武書店, 岡山, 107-114, 1982. | 妹尾左知丸,中塚久,切塚敬治,森将晏,𧃎昭亮 | In vivo における造血幹細胞の形態に関する研究 |
血液幹細胞ーその動態と分化-妹尾左知丸編, 福武書店, 岡山, 523-530, 1982. | 林肇輝,妹尾左知丸 | ラット大動脈吻合パラビオージス法 |
血液幹細胞ーその動態と分化-妹尾左知丸編, 福武書店, 岡山, 565-572, 1982. | 林肇輝,小村達夫,妹尾左知丸 | 蒸気固定による染色体標本作製法ーマウスやヒトを材料とする場合の簡易な方法についてー |
生体の科学 33(5): 381-388, 1982. | 山田雅保,沖垣達 | 上皮細胞の増殖と成長因子 |
医生物走査電顕 11: 50-51, 1982. | 内藤一郎 | 化学的消化法と血管鋳型法の併用による腎糸球体血管網形成の観察 |
重井医学年報 4: 1, 1982. | 妹尾左知丸 | 木下先生を偲んで |
重井医学年報 4: 43-50, 1982. | 山田雅保,池上典子,沖垣達 | 細胞由来の増殖調節蛋白(PCM)とBSAによる線維芽細胞の増殖促進 |
重井医学年報 4: 51-57, 1982. | 小野俊朗,妹尾左知丸,浮田聡子,辻井禎 | コロイド滴定法を用いてのムコ多糖類及び酸性たんぱく質の滴定と腎糸球体ポリアニオンの解析 |
重井医学年報 4: 59-71, 1982. | 内藤一郎 | ウシガエル(Rana catesbeiana), トノサマガエル(Rana nigromaculata), アフリカツメガエル(Xenopus laevis)とアマガエル(Hyla arborea japonica)腎の血管構築と未分化糸球体血管の局在 |
重井医学年報 4: 97-105, 1982. | 井上伸一,上木房枝,大森浩之,辻井禎,浮田聡子 | ラット腎糸球体における死後変化の電子顕微鏡像 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Histochemistry. 1983;78(1):27-31. | S Seno, T Tsujii, T Ono, S Ukita | Cationic cacodylate iron colloid for the detection of anionic sites on cell surface and the histochemical stain of acid mucopolysaccharides |
Proc Japan Acad. 59(Ser. B), No. 2: 24-27, 1983. | Y Sado, T Okigaki, S Seno | Rat glomerulonephritis induced by soluble antigens from bovine glomerular basement membrane |
Gann. 1983 Aug;74(4):517-523. | K Koyama, C Tamayama, Y Tomono, K Watanabe | Glycosphingolipids in clonal variants of rat fibrosarcoma cells with different transplantability |
Cell Struct Funct. 1983 Sep;8(3):267-279. | T Ono, T Tsujii, S Seno | A morphological study of ferritin synthesis in macrophages with ingested ferric hydroxide-potassium polyvinyl sulfate complexes |
Biorheology. 1983;20(5):653-662. | S Seno, T Tsujii, T Ono | The anionic barrier of blood vessel walls and the possible pathologic changes due to the deionization of the barrier and plasma proteins |
Cell Biol Int Rep. 1983 Dec;7(12):1115-1121. | M Yamada, T Okigaki | Promotion of epithelial cell adhesion on collagen by proteins from rat embryo fibroblasts |
J Clin Electron Microscopy. 16(5-6): 696, 1983. | S Inoue, T Tsujii, S Ukita, H Takamiya | Electron microscopic study on the kidney tissue of autopsy cases |
J Clin Electron Microscopy. 16(5-6): 711-712, 1983. | T Tsujii, T Ono, S Ukita, S Inoue, H Takamiya, S Seno | lonized anionic groups of glomerular capillaries in human glomerulonephritis and aminonucleoside nephrosis in rat |
J Clin Electron Microscopy. 16(5-6): 723-724, 1983. | S Ukita, T Tsujii, T Ono, S Seno | Distribution of ionized anionic groups in tissues detected with cationic cacodylate iron colloid: A light-and electron-microscope study |
Ann NY Acad Sci. 1983;416:410-425. | S Seno, T Ono, T Tsujii | Macromolecular charge and cellular surface charge in adhesion, ingestion, and blood vessel leakage |
In “Structure and Function of Iron Storage and Transport Proteins" (I Urushizaki, P Aisen, I Listowsky and J W Drysdale), pp.133-136. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1983. | T Ono, T Tsujii, S Seno | Ferritin biosynthesis in macrophages (MΦs) |
In “Structure and Function of Iron Storage and Transport Proteins" (I Urushizaki, P Aisen, I Listowsky and J W Drysdale), pp.487-488. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1983. | M Akita, M Awai, T Okigaki, S Seno | Ferric nitrilotriacetate (Fe3+-NTA) stimulates insulin secretion of pancreatic islet cells in vitro |
病理組織の見方と鑑別診断 第2版, 浜崎幸雄監修, 医歯薬出版, 東京, 5-20, 1983. | 妹尾左知丸 | 細胞総論 |
実験生物学講座 2巻「光学・電子顕微鏡実験法」[I]光学顕微鏡法 新津恒良, 平本幸男編, 丸善 , 東京, pp. 3-9, 1983. | 沖垣達 | 1 ミクロ培養法 |
実験生物学講座 2巻「光学・電子顕微鏡実験法」[III]顕微鏡記録法 新津恒良, 平本幸男編, 丸善 , 東京, pp. 283-302, 1983. | 沖垣達 | 7 微速度顕微鏡映画撮影法および解析法 |
組織培養 9(4): 153-156, 1983. | 池上典子,沖垣達(訳): LM Franks (著) | In vitro 実験系における分化型上皮細胞の老化と癌化 |
免疫化学, 大沢利昭編, 南江堂, 東京, 211-229, 1983. | 渡辺清博,箱守仙一郎 | 10. 血液型と免疫 |
重井医学年報 5: 7-13, 1983. | 佐渡義一,内藤一郎 | 同種腎臓基底膜から得られた可溶性抗原を用いたラット実験糸球体腎炎の惹起 |
重井医学年報 5: 15-24, 1983. | 渡辺清博,友野靖子,阿部和夫 | ヒト赤血球膜のA型およびH型活性糖脂質ーA1 型とA2 型赤血球の比較 |
重井医学年報 5: 25-31, 1983 | 辻井禎,浮田聡子,小野俊朗,妹尾左知丸,大森浩之,高宮治生 | 電顕用包埋資料のギムザ染色による生検腎糸球体沈着物の検出について |
重井医学年報 5: 33-42, 1983 | 友野靖子,渡辺清博 | HPLC によるスフインゴ糖脂質の微量分析 I. Nal04 酸化によるガングリオシドのけい光ラベル法 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Nihon Ketsueki Gakkai Zasshi. 1984 Feb;47(1):11-16. | M Mori, K Kirizuka, S Nakamoto, M Awai, S Seno | Scanning electron microscopic observation of mammalian erythroblast denucleation |
Anat Rec. 1984 Mar;208(3):337-347. | T Tsujii, I Naito, S Ukita, T Ono, S Seno | The anionic barrier system on the mesonephric renal glomerulus of the brown hagfish, Paramyxine atami Dean (Cyclostomi) |
Biochim Biophys Acta. 1984 Mar 22;798(1):96-102. | Y Sado, K Watanabe, T Okigaki, H Takamiya, S Seno | Isolation and characterization of nephritogenic antigen from bovine glomerular basement membrane |
Cell Tissue Res. 1984;235(3):491-496. | T Tsujii, I Naito, S Ukita, T Ono, S Seno | The anionic barrier system in the mesonephric renal glomerulus of the arctic lamprey, Entosphenus japonicas (Martens)(Cyclostomata) |
Clin Chim Acta. 1984 Apr 13;138(2):175-183. | F Kanemitsu, I Kawanishi, J Mizushima, T Okigaki | Mitochondrial creatine kinase as a tumor-associated marker |
Anal Biochem. 1984 Jun;139(2):367-372. | K Watanabe, Y Tomono | One-step fractionation of neutral and acidic glycosphingolipids by high-performance liquid chromatography |
Cell Struct Funct. 1984 Jul;9 Suppl:s91-96. | T Ohno, T Okigaki | IV-1 Growth factors |
Acta Med Okayama. 1984 Oct;38(5):423-437. | Y Yamanoi, M Awai, S Seno | Degranulation effect of ferric nitrilotriacetate (Fe3+-NTA) on the pancreatic islet β-cells: Its acute toxic effect on glucose metabolism |
Histochemistry. 1984;81(5):427-433. | T Tsujii, M Akita, K Katayama, S Yamamoto, S Seno | Absorption of elastase through the jejunal mucosa of the rat. An immunocytochemical study |
Arch Histol Jpn. 1984 Oct;47(4):441-456. | I Naito | The development of glomerular capillary tufts of the bullfrog kidney from a straight interstitial vessel to an anastomosed capillary network. A scanning electron microscopic study of vascular casts |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1984 Oct 30;124(2):523-529. | H Clausen, K Watanabe, R Kannagi, S B Levery, E Nudelman, Y Arao-Tomono, S-I Hakomori | Blood group A glycolipid (Ax) with globo-series structure which is specific for blood group A1 erythrocytes: One of the chemical bases for A1 and A2 distinction |
Biochim Biophys Acta. 1984 Nov 14;796(2):199-204. | Y Tomono, I Naito, K Watanabe | Glycosphingolipid patterns of rat kidney. Dependence on age and sex |
J Clin Lab Immunol. 1984 Dec;15(4):199-204. | Y Sado, T Okigaki, H Takamiya, S Seno | Experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis with pulmonary hemorrhage in rats. The dose-effect relationship of the nephritogenic antigen from bovine glomerular basement membrane |
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 17(5): 547-563, 1984. | T Ono, M Awai | Endocytic mechanism of macrophages to anionic foreign substances |
J Clin Electron Microscopy. 17(5-6): 811, 1984. | T Tsujii, S Inoue, T Ono, S Seno | Absorption of elastase through the jejunal mucosa of the rat. -An immunocytochemical study- |
In “Electrophoresis '83 (H Hirai, ed.), pp.441-444, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, New York. 1984. | F Kanemitsu, I Kawanishi, J Mizushima, T Okigaki | Liver mitochondrial species of creatine kinase |
実験生物学講座 8巻「細胞生物学」, 新津恒良・沖垣達編, 丸善 , 東京, pp. 1-28, 1984. | 沖垣達 | 細胞培養 1 (動物細胞) |
けんさ14(3-4): 20-35. 1984. | 渡辺清博 | 血液型の話 |
細胞成長因子, 日本組織培養学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京, 190-192. 1984. | 山田雅保 | 7 マトリックス物質 4. Collagen(コラーゲン) 5. Extracellular Matrix(ECM,細胞外マトリックス) |
細胞成長因子, 日本組蟻培養学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京. 195. 1984. | 山田雅保 | 7 マトリックス物質 8. その他のコーティング物質 |
培養技術 動物細胞利用実用化マニュアル, 内田驍・大石道夫・古沢満編, リアライズ社, 東京, 163-170, 1984. | 沖垣達 | II-3 上皮細胞 |
倉敷中央病院年報 53: 123-131, 1984. | 小野俊朗,林肇輝,妹尾左知丸,粟井通泰 | カコジル酸鉄コロイドによる胃癌組織の酸性ムコ多糖類の染色. 第I報 染色法と染色理論 |
倉敷中央病院年報 53: 133-141, 1984. | 小野俊朗,林肇輝,岩佐修,薛昭亮,妹尾左知丸,粟井通泰 | カコジル酸鉄コロイドによる胃癌組織の酸性ムコ多糖類の染色. 第II報 ムコ多糖類産生能から見た胃癌細胞分化の考察 |
重井医学年報 6: | 妹尾左知丸 | 第3回国際細胞生物学会議を終えて |
重井医学年報 6: | 沖垣達 | 第3回国際細胞生物学会議報告 |
重井医学年報 6: | 辻井禎 | 倉敷シンポジウム「血管壁の病態生理と腎糸球体の機能異常」を終えて |
重井医学年報 6: 7-17, 1984. | 山田雅保,沖垣達 | 肝上皮細胞付着因子の増殖促進効果と生化学的性質 |
重井医学年報 6: 19-25, 1984. | 友野靖子,渡辺清博 | ラット腎臓の糖脂質:純系ラットでの比較 |
重井医学年報 6: 27-34, 1984. | 秋田昌彦,妹尾左知丸,小野俊朗,辻井禎,井上聡子 | 微粒子カコジル酸鉄コロイド(Fe-Cac-f)による組織負荷電基の検出法 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Histochemistry. 1985;82(4):307-312. | S Seno, M Akita, T Ono, T Tsujii | Fine-granular cationic iron colloid : Its preparation, physicochemical characteristics and histochemical use for the detection of ionized anionic groups |
Clin Chim Acta. 1985 Sep 16;151(1):23-31. | F Kanemitsu, T Okigaki | Comparison of enzymatic characteristics of creatine kinase BB from human healthy and tumor stomach tissues |
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 18(5): 515-524, 1985. | T Ono, T Tsujii, S Seno | Endocytosis of cationic iron colloid particles by rat peritoneal macrophages and the ferritin synthesis. A morphological study |
J Clin Electron Microscopy. 18: 657, 1985. | S Inoue, T Tsujii, S Inoue, H Takamiya, S Seno | Alteration in the distribution of the Fe-Cac-f stained anionic sites in the GBM of human glomerulonephritis |
In “Glomerular Dysfunction and Biopathology of Vascular Wall" (S Seno, A L Copley, M A Venkatachalam, Y Hamashima and T Tsujii), pp. 103-117, New York, 1985. | T Murakami, A Kikuta, T Kaneshige, I Naito | Minute structure of human kidney glomerulus, its embryonic development and age-related changes: A scanning electron microscope study of vascular casts |
In “Glomerular Dysfunction and Biopathology of Vascular Wall" (S Seno, A L Copley, M A Venkatachalam, Y Hamashima and T Tsujii), pp. 121-139, New York, 1985. | T Tsujii, T Ono, S Seno | Protein leakage through glomerular capillaries having the functioning and dysfunctioning anionic barrier |
遺伝 39: 4-5, 1985. | 沖垣達 | 特集 第3回 国際細胞生物学会議から 細胞生物学の進歩一第3回国際細胞生物学会議の概略一 |
組織培養研究 3: 20-22, 1985. | 沖垣達 | 研究情報 第3回 国際細胞生物学会議報告 第3回 国際細胞生物学会議 (III ICCB)を主催して |
岡山実験動物研究会会報 第3号: 38-39, 1985. | 沖垣達 | 第3回 国際細胞生物学会議を主催して |
蛋白質 核酸 酵素 30(10): 1154-1161, 1985. | 沖垣達(訳): H S Bennett (著) | 日本における科学の発展ーその背景と基盤一 |
けんさ 15(2): 28-35, 1985. | 渡辺清博 | 続 血液型の話 |
重井医学年報 7: 13-18, 1985. | 佐渡義一,秋田昌彦,内藤一郎 | ヒト可溶化基底膜抗原によるラット実験糸球体腎炎 |
重井医学年報 7: 19-26, 1985. | 内藤一郎,辻井禎 | 海産硬骨魚(メバル,Sebastes inermis CURVIER et VALENCIENNES)の腎糸球体選択透過機構 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 19(1): 105-118, 1986. | T Ono, S Seno | Endocytosis of cationic and anionic iron colloid particles by rat macrophages |
J Clin Lab Immunol. 1986 Apr;19(4):193-199. | Y Sado, I Naito, M Akita, T Okigaki | Strain specific responses of inbred rats on the severity of experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis |
Proc Xlth Int Cong on Electron Microscopy, Kyoto, 1986, pp2237-2238. | I Naito, T Tsujii, S Inoue, M Akita, T Ono, S Seno | Detection of anionic and cationic sites on cell surface with iron colloid particles |
Clin Chim Acta. 1986 Oct 15;160(1):27-35. | F Kanemitsu, T Okigaki | Sandwich electroimmunofixation (SEIF) for the assessment of isoenzyme specificities of immunoglobulins isolated from enzyme-immunoglobulin in complexes |
Am J Clin Pathol. 1986 Dec;86(6):792-797. | M Hara, R Asada, I K Miura, D Mase, S Inaba, A Higuchi, T Tanizawa, Y Sado , T Okada | Glomerulonephritis with focal and segmental distribution of glomerular basement membrane antigen(s) |
Res Exp Med (Berl). 1986;186(6):463-468. | T Tokiwa, M Miyagiwa, A Kawai, K Matsuura, K Taketa, T Okigaki, J Sato | The effect of conditioned medium on fetal human liver cells in primary culture |
Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histopathol. 1986;408(4):403-419. | M Hara, D Mase, S Inaba, A Higuchi, T Tanizawa, N Yamanaka, Y Sugisaki, Y Sado, T Okada | Immunohistochemical localization of glomerular basement membrane antigens in various renal diseases |
生体の科学 37(4): 271-272, 1986. | 沖垣達 | 細胞生物学実験マニュアル 細胞培養 細胞継代培養法 |
生体の科学 37(4): 362-364, 1986. | 妹尾左知丸 | 細胞生物学実験マニュアル 細胞膜・小器官分析 カコジル酸鉄コロイドによる酸性ムコ多糖の染色 |
組織培養 12: 480-481, 1986. | 沖垣達 | 米国組織培養学会の今昔 |
重井医学年報 8: 1-13, 1986. | 尾曽越文亮,柳真佐子 | ラットの骨髄,循環血,肺および肝におけるマクロファージの[14C] adenine による標識バターン マクロファージの起原に関する研究 |
重井医学年報 8: 15-21, 1986. | 友野靖子,渡辺清博 | HPLCによるスフィンゴ糖脂質の微量分析 II. Nal04酸化による糖脂質のけい光ラベル法 |
重弁医学年報 8: 39-49, 1986. | 川口真,高宮治生,小坂淳夫,山田雅保,沖垣達 | 糸球体上皮細胞の培養に及ぼす血清と基質の効果 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Int Rev Cytol. 1987;100:203-248. | S Seno | lonized groups on the cell surface: their cytochemical detection and related cell function |
Cell Struct Funct. 1987 Feb;12(1):53-62. | M Yamada, T Okigaki, M Awai | Adhesion and growth of rat liver epithelial cells on an extracellular matrix with proteins from fibroblast conditioned medium |
Eur J Cell Biol. 1987 Apr;43(2):230-234. | M Yamada, T Okigaki, M Awai | Adhesion-promoting factor from embryonic fibroblasts for normal liver epithelial cells |
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 20(1): 1-8, 1987 | B Osogoe, M Yanagi | The use of [14C] adenine for autoradiographic labeling of blood monocytes and their precursor cells in the bone marrow of rats |
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 20(3): 273-281, 1987. | B Osogoe, M Yanagi | Adenine uptake by rat peritoneal macrophages in vitro |
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 1987 Aug;64(2-3):121-129. | B Osogoe, M Yanagi | Labeling patterns of alveolar macrophages and Kupffer cells with [14C] adenine and [3H] thymidine in rats and mice |
Cell Struct Funct. 1987 Oct;12(5):407-420. | M Yamada, T Okigaki, M Awai | Role of superoxide radicals in cytotoxic effects of Fe-NTA on cultured normal liver epithelial cells |
Cell Biol Int Rep. 1987 Oct;11(10):707-716. | M Yamada, T Okigaki , M Awai | Enhancing effects of bovine serum albumin on cell injury in vitro induced with Fe-NTA |
Br J Exp Pathol. 1987 Oct;68(5):695-704. | Y Sado, I Naito | Experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis in rats by soluble isologous or homologous antigens from glomerular and tubular basement membranes |
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 20(4): 387-397, 1987. | B Osogoe, M Yanagi | Adenine uptake by lamina propria cells in the intestinal mucosa of rats and mice, with special reference to reticulum cells |
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 20(4): 399-408,1987. | B Osogoe, M Yanagi | Adenine uptake by reticulum cells in the lymphoid tissues of rats |
Proc of 2nd Int Conf on Indo-Pacific Fishes (T Uyeno, R Arai, T Taniuchi and K Matsuura, eds.), pp.73-75, Ichthyological Society of Japan, Tokyo, 1986. | T Tsujii, I Naito | Renal morphology of cyclostomes: A scanning and transmission electron microscope study |
岡山バイオ懇話会会報 第3号: 1-2, 1987. | 沖垣達 | バイオ時代に向けて一人聞を大切にするバイオ社会を一 |
組織培養 13: 7-12, 1987. | 山田雅保,川口真,高宮治生,沖垣達 | 特集 無血清培地 腎糸球体上皮細胞の無血清培養とその応用 |
組織培養 13: 35, 1987. | 沖垣達,岩田邦男 | 特集 フリーラジカルと細胞 ー特集によせてー |
組織培養 13: 47-52, 1987. | 山田雅保,沖垣達,粟井通泰 | 特集 フリーラジカルと細胞 鉄ニトリロ三酢酸(Fe3+ーNTA)によるラット正常肝上皮細胞の変性と悪性形質転換 |
組織培養 13: 162-167, 1987. | 山田雅保,沖垣達 | 特集 コンディションメディウム由来の成長因子 繊維芽細胞培地由来の付着・増殖因子 一歴史的展望と最近の進歩一 |
岡山実験動物研究会報 5号: 2-4, 1987. | 妹尾左知丸 | 実験動物とのつきあい: 大動脈吻合パラピオージス |
採集と飼育 49: 512-513, 1987. | 沖垣達 | 生物随想 再び,生物科学の将来を想う |
倉敷中央病院年報 56: 83-88, 1987. | 黄永彦,林雪恵,林肇輝,妹尾左知丸 | Invisible Glomus Tumorの1例 |
日本血液学会雑誌 50 :1102, 1987. | 妹尾左知丸 | |
重井医学年報 9: 1-11, 1987. | 友野靖子,渡辺清博,石井紀郎 | 腎炎透析患者の血漿中に存在する抗糖脂質抗体 I. |
重井医学年報 9: 13-20, 1987. | 石井紀郎,渡辺清博 | 蛋白分解酵素処理マウス赤血球上の糖脂質抗原に対する自己抗体の解析 |
重井医学年報 9: 21-29, 1987. | 尾曽越文亮,柳真佐子 | ラット腹腔マクロフアージのin vitroにおけるadenineのとりこみ |
重井医学年報 9: 31-36, 1987. | 尾曽越文亮,柳真佐子 | ラット小腸粘膜固有層細胞の[14C]adenineによる標識パターン,とくに芽細胞様細網細胞について |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Histochemistry. 1988;88(3-6):443-451. | T Tsujii, K Katayama, I Naito, S Seno | The circulating a1-antitrypsin-elastase complex attacks the elastic lamina of blood vessels. An immunohistochemical study |
J Chromatogr. 1988 Jul 29;429:399-417. | F Kanemitsu, T Okigaki | CREATINE KINASE ISOENZYMES (REVIEW) |
Arch Histol Cytol. 1988 Oct;51(4):327-339. | T Tsujii | The Role of Renal Macrophages in the Aglomerular Kidney of the Sea-Horse (Teleost) in the Removal of Exogenous Macromolecules from Circulating Blood |
Cell Struct Funct. 1988 Dec;13(6):495-513. | M Yamada, M Kawaguchi, H Takamiya, H Wada, T Okigaki | Establishment and Characterization of an Epithelial Cell Line, SGE1, from Isolated Rat Rena1 Glomeruli |
Dementia 2: 266-267, 1988. | 渡辺清博 | アルコールと脳のシアル酸 |
医学と薬学 20: 917-923, 1988. | 岡部和彦,渡辺清博 | 特集/消化器疾患の病気・病態からみた代謝異常とその対策 糖脂質 |
和光純薬時報 56: 15 -19, 1988. | 妹尾左知丸 | カコジル酸鉄コロイドーその開発と利用への道一 |
重井医学年報 10: 1-10, 1988. | 友野靖子,渡辺清博,岡部和彦 | 肝疾患患者血漿中の抗糖脂質抗体および糖脂質抗原 |
重井医学年報 10: 11-20, 1988. | 尾曽越文亮,妹尾左知丸,福本哲男,林肇輝 | ラット腎のメサンジウム細胞と肺の胞隔細胞の[14C]adenineによるDNA標識, Ia抗原の表現ならびに異物粒子の摂取に関する研究 |
重井医学年報 10: 21-27, 1988. | 辻井禎,大森浩之,高宮治生,妹尾左知丸 | ジャイアントパンダ(ランラン,カンカン)の腎臓の電顕的観察 |
重井医学年報 10: 29-33, 1988. | 秋田昌彦,妹尾左知丸 | ラット消化管からの正・負荷電フェリチンの吸収に関する免疫組織化学的研究 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Cell Struct Funct. 1989 Feb;14(1):61-74. | T Ono, M Akita, T Tsujii, S Seno | An experimental study on the pathway of iron transfer from macrophages to erythrocytes in rat liver |
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 1989 Mar;65(6):369-379. | B Osogoe, M Umebayashi-Yanagi | Adenine Uptake by Rat Connective Tissue Cells with Special Reference to Macrophage Precursors |
J Clin Lab Immunol. 1989 Apr;28(4):187-193. | I Naito, Y Sado | Early changes of rat experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis induced with the nephritogenic antigen from bovine renal basement membranes |
Cell Biol Int Rep. 1989 May;13(5):427-436. | T Makita, H Ichimal, S Kagabu, K Manba, I Naito, R Lindblom, M Hatsuoka, T Okawa | Scanning and transmission electron microscopy of biodegradable microspheres (DSM) in blood vessels |
Histochemistry. 1989;91(6):449-454. | S Seno, M Akita, C L Hsueh | A new method of the immunohistochemical detection of cellular antigens for light and electron microscopy |
Eur J Cell Biol. 1989 Aug;49(2):252-258 | M Yamada, C Moritoh, M Kawaguchi, T Okigaki | Growth, morphology, function, and morphogenetic properties of rat renal glomerular epithelial cells in vitro: effects of retinyl acetate |
J Pathol. 1989 Aug;158(4):325-332. | Y Sado, I Naito, T Okigaki | Transfer of anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody-induced glomerulonephritis in inbred rats with isologous antibodies from the urine of nephritic rats |
Immunology. 1989 Oct;68(2):215-220. | N Ishii, K Watnabe | Analysis of autoantibodies to glycolipids on thymocytes in New Zealand Black mice |
Arch Histol Cytol. 1989 Oct;52(4):427-442. | B Osogoe, T Fukumoto, S Seno | Adenine uptake cells in the rat kidney with remarks on the expression of Ia antigen |
日本血液学会雑誌 51: 1166-1175, 1989. | 妹尾左知丸 | 日本血液学会50周年記念講演 日本血液学会戦後の展開 |
組織培養 15: 140-143, 1989. | 川口真,山田雅保,高宮治生,和田博義,沖垣達 | 培養技術講座 Mesh sievingによるラット腎糸球体の単離法 |
組織培養 15: 291, 1989. | 沖垣達 | 書評 科学論文の書き方,出版への道(RA Day著 改定第3版(英文), ORYX PRESS社) |
組織培養 15: 450-452, 1989. | 沖垣達 | 培養研究のあゆみ 追憶の牧野佐二郎教授 |
日本毛髪美容学会誌 2: 57-59, 1989. | 沖垣達 | 教育講座 研究発表のすすめ 論文発表,学会発表を志す方々へ |
日本毛髪美容学会誌 2: 5-10, 1989. | 沖垣達 | 教育講演 今 バイオの時代 細胞生物学とのかかわり |
けんさ 19: 16-18, 23-26, 1989. | 石井紀郎,保田立ニ | リポソームを用いた免疫診断法 |
重井医学年報 11: 1-9, 1989. | 佐渡義一,香川恵,内藤一郎 | コラゲナーゼ可溶化ウシ腎臓基底膜からの腎炎惹起性抗原の精製 |
重井医学年報 11: 11-21, 1989. | 尾曽越文亮,福本哲夫 | ラットの消化管粘膜およびリンパ組織におけるIa抗原陽性細胞,とくに該細胞の[14C]adenineのとりこみに関する研究 |
重井医学年報 11: 23-33, 1989. | 友野靖子,渡辺清博 | 糖脂質の分離精製法および微量分析法の開発とその応用:PBA-シリカゲルによるカラムクロマトグラフイーおよびTLC-in situ Fluorescent Labeling (TLC-IFL) |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Nihon Ketsueki Gakkai Zasshi. 1990 Feb;53(1):1-13. | M Akita, S Seno, M Awai | Intestinal absorption of cationic and anionic ferric colloids and complexes: biochemical, histochemical and morphological observations in rats |
Anal Biochem. 1990 Feb 1;184(2):360-368. | Y Tomono, K Abe, K Watanabe | High-performance liquid affinity chromatography and in situ fluorescent labeling on thin-layer chromatography of glycosphingolipids |
Cytotechnology. 1990 Mar;3(2):149-156. | M Yamada, M Awai, T Okigaki | Rapid in vitro transformation system for liver epithelial cells by iron chelate, Fe-NTA |
J Chromatogr. 1990 Apr 6;526(2):423-438. | F Kanemitsu, T Okigaki | Clinical application of subforms of creatine kinase MM and macro creatine kinases |
Clin Biochem. 1990 Apr;23(2):121-125. | F Kanemitsu, I Kawanishi, J Mizushima, T Okigaki | Electrophoretic and kinetic characterization of three variants of soluble cytoplasmic L-alanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase in human liver tissue |
Anat Rec. 1990 Apr;226(4):460-470. | T Tsujii, S Seno | Melano-macrophage centers in the aglomerular kidney of the sea horse (teleosts): morphologic studies on its formation and possible function |
Cytotechnology. 1990 May;3(3):245-251. | M Yamada, C Moritoh, T Okigaki | Ferric cacodylate efficiently stimulates growth of rat renal glomerular epithelial cells in vitro |
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 1990 Aug;67(2-3):89-95. | B Osogoe, T Fukumoto | Immunohistochemical study of intestinal lamina propria cells in the rat, with special reference to Ia antigen expression |
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 1990 Dec;67(5):297-302. | B Osogoe, T Fukumoto | Ia antigen expression by reticulum cells in lymphoid tissues and mesenchymal cells in the interstitium of the heart and liver of adult rats |
組織培養 16: 62, 1990. | 沖垣達 | 書評 ニューロコンピュータへの発想 (日本学際会議編,甘利俊一監修,共立出版,1989) |
組織培養研究 8: 48-60, 1990. | 山田雅保,川口真,森藤千晴,和田博義,沖垣達 | ラット腎糸球体上皮細胞長期培養株(SGE1)の性状とその糸球体腎炎病理学研究への適用 |
脂質生化学研究 32: 417-420, 1990. | 渡辺清博,植田伸夫,林陽 | 脂質情報データベース(LIPID BANK) の構築 (第1報) |
組織培養 16: 377-380, 1990. | 友野靖子,渡辺清博,沖垣達 | 培養技術講座 培養細胞の糖脂質の微量定量法 |
日本毛髪美容学会誌 3: 4-7, 1990. | 沖垣達 | 教育講座 今,バイオの時代 II. 理・美容科学とのかかわり |
重井医学年報 12: 1-10, 1990. | 内藤一郎,佐渡義一 | 近交系F344/DuCrjラットでの抗糸球体基底膜抗体腎炎の初期変化 |
重井医学年報 12: 11-22, 1990. | 尾曽越文亮,藤倉義久,福本哲夫 | ラットの小腸絨毛固有層におけるプラズマ細胞増生の絶食後再給食による実験的誘導 |
重井医学年報 12: 23-33, 1990. | 石井紀郎,渡辺清博 | MRL/Mp-Ipr/lprマウスの異常増殖T細胞の糖脂質及び糖鎖構造に対する自己抗体の解析 |
重井医学年報 12: 35-42, 1990. | 張大先,妹尾左知丸 | 糸球体負荷電障壁の機能障害とフィブリノゲンによる機能回復:ラット腎での実験的観察 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Clin Chim Acta. 1991 Feb 28;197(1):9-17. | F Kanemitsu, T Okigaki | An immunologic pathway for intravascular catabolism of creatine kinase subform MM3 |
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 1991 Mar;67(6):429-438. | B Osogoe, Y Fujikura, T Fukumoto | Effects of refeeding subsequent to starvation on the plasma cell population in the villous lamina propria of the rat small intestine |
Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. 1991 Mar;67(6):457-466. | B Osogoe, T Tsujii, HR Liszczynsky, H Naora, S Seno | Intestinal mucosa and intra-abdominal lymphoid tissues of the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus |
Int J Hematol. 1991 Apr;54(2):93-102. | T Ono, S Seno | Transport of ferritin from Kupffer cells to liver parenchymal cells, Morphological and immunocytochemical observations |
Cell Biol Int Rep. 1991 Jul;15(7):595-606. | Z Z Xu, K Miyahara, H Liszczynsky, S Seno, H Naora | An optimum dose of c-H-ras is a prerequisite for hormone-dependent conversion of a cell between cancerous and normal states in tissue culture |
Proc Japan Acad, Ser. B, 67: 11-15, 1991. | Z Z Xu, K Miyahara, H Liszczynsky, S Seno, H Naora | 3. Reversible conversion of cells between cancerous and normal states |
Histochemistry. 1991;96(2):115-121. | D Zhang, S Seno, M Akita, T Tsujii | Histochemical studies on the mechanism of macromolecule leakage across the glomerular capillary wall. Barrier effect of the anionic groups of the capillary wall against the serum protein leakage |
Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol. 1991;60(5):345-351. | Y Sado, M Kagawa, I Naito, T Okigaki | Properties of bovine nephritogenic antigen that induces anti-GBM nephritis in rats and its similarity to the Goodpasture antigen |
Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 4(3): 145-154, 1991. | I Naito, M Kagawa, Y Sado, T Okigaki | Strain specific responses of inbred rats on the severity of experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis: presence of a broad spectrum of the susceptibility |
組織培養 17: 60-62, 1991. | 川口悟,森藤千晴,瀧正史,沖垣達 | トピックス サイトカインと培養腎糸球体細胞 |
組織培養 17: 63-66, 1991. | 沖垣達 | 学会報告 第1回アジア・太平洋細胞生物学会 |
日本油化学協会関西支部 1-10, 1991. | 渡辺清博 | 脂質情報のデータペース化とその活用-「脂質情報データベース」の構築 |
日本脂質生化学研究会 33: 167-170, 1991. | 渡辺清博,植田伸夫,林陽 | 脂質情報データベース(LIPIDBANK)の構築(第2報)ー糖脂質検索ソフトの試作一 |
腎と透析 31: 40-44, 1991. | 信永利馬,内藤一郎 | 自然発症型腎疾患モデル 尿崩症マウス(IVCS系) |
重井医学年報 13: 1-10, 1991. | 友野靖子,渡辺清博,森藤千晴,沖垣達 | ラット肝上皮細胞(RL34)およびその癌化細胞(HTSA)の糖脂質の分析 |
重井医学年報 13: 11-16, 1991. | 佐渡義一,香川恵,内藤一郎,沖垣達 | 同種腎臓基底膜抗原によるラット実験糸球体腎炎とその性状 |
重井医学年報 13: 17-24, 1991. | 内藤一郎,井上聡子,香川恵,佐渡義一 | 抗糸球体基底膜抗体腎炎に現われる単核炎症細胞の免疫組織学的同定 |
重井医学年報 13: 45-61, 1991. | 妹尾左知丸 | 記念講演 密陀僧に導かれて |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Clin Chim Acta. 1992 Mar 31;206(3):191-199. | F Kanemitsu, T Okigaki | Creatine kinase MB isoforms for early diagnosis and monitoring of acute myocardial infarction |
Toxicology. 1992;72(3):329-340. | M Kawaguchi, M Yamada, H Wada, T Okigaki | Roles of active oxygen species in glomerular epithelial cell injury in vitro caused by puromycin aminonucleoside |
J Pathol. 1992 Oct;168(2):221-227. | Y Sado, M Kagawa, S Rauf, I Naito, C Moritoh, T Okigaki | Isologous monoclonal antibodies can induce anti-GBM glomerulonephritis in rats |
Anat Rec. 1992 Nov;234(3):348-358. | T Tsujii, S Inoue, H Takamiya, H R Liszczynsky, H Naora, S Seno | Morphology of the kidney of the Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus: Monotremata) |
Autoimmunity. 1992;13(2):107-116. | N Ishii, K Watanabe | Aberrant expression of GM1 on lymph node cells of MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mice: Influences on the autoreactivities of anti-asialo GM1 antibodies |
Biorheology. 1992 Sep-Dec;29(5-6):581-587. | S Seno, D Zhang, S Inoue | Fibrin layer inhibits protein leakage from capillaries having dysfunctioning anionic barrier |
Progress in Clin Biochem. (K Miyai, T Kano, E Ishikawa editors) , 911-913, Elsevier Science Publisher BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1992. | F Kanemitsu, I Kawanishi, J Mizushima, T Okigaki | Clinical significance of serum creatine kinase MB isoforms in acute myocardial infarction |
日本小児腎臓病学会誌 5: 221, 1992. | 川口悟,川口真,和田博義,森藤千晴,沖垣達,瀧正史,有元克彦,大森浩之,小坂淳夫 | 各種サイトカインによる培養糸球体上皮細胞のシアル酸含有量に及ぼす影響 |
脂質生化学研究 34: 39-42, 1992. | 渡辺清博,友野靖子 | 1-10 蛍光ラベルによる糖脂質の簡易定性・定量法の開発 |
別冊・医学のあゆみ 腎疾患-state of arts, 188-190, 1992. | 佐渡義一 | 腎疾患と実験モデル 抗基底膜抗体腎炎の実験モデル |
生体の科学 43(5): 351-352, 1992. | 沖垣達 | 研究室で役に立つ細胞株 特集によせて |
生体の科学 43(5): 385, 1992. | 沖垣達 | 研究室で役に立つ細胞株 上皮細胞株 消化器系上皮細胞 肝細胞 ラット: RL-34 |
生体の科学 43(5): 400, 1992. | 沖垣達,森藤千晴,川口真 | 研究室で役に立つ細胞株 上皮細胞株 泌尿生殖器系上皮細胞 腎上皮細胞 ラット腎糸球体: SGE1 |
活性酸素と病態 井上正康編著, 学会出版センター, 東京, 3-13, 1992. | 妹尾左知丸 | A 多細胞生物の生命を支える酸素ーその毒性を考える前にー |
重井医学年報 14: 1-7, 1992. | 井上聡子,内藤一郎,香川恵,佐渡義一 | モノクローナル抗体で惹起した受動型抗基底膜抗体腎炎での糸球体内炎症細胞一免疫組織学的同定一 |
重井医学年報 14: 9-18, 1992. | 宮村由美,西山雅子,渡辺清博 | スンクス(Suncus murinus)脳の糖脂質の分析 |
重井医学年報 14: 19-27, 1992. | A Kwenang, Y Miyamura, M Nishiyama, K Watanabe | Purification and identification of glycolipids from chicken kidney |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Tiss Cult Res Commun. 12: 1-11, 1993. | Y Tomono, C Moritoh, K Watanabe, T Okigaki | Trends in glycosphingolipids change during growth and differentiation of rat renal glomerular epithelial cells, SGE1, in vitro |
Tiss Cult Res Commun. 12: 13-22, 1993. | M Kawaguchi, T Okigaki, H Wada | Studies of glomerular epithelial cells in culture I. Establishment and characterization |
Tiss Cult Res Commun. 12: 23-32, 1993. | M Kawaguchi, T Okigaki, H Wada | Studies of glomerular epithelial cells in culture II. Application to pathological studies of glomerulopathy |
J Clin Lab Immunol. 1993;40(2):77-89. | M Kawaguchi, M Yamada, S Kawaguchi, K Ohshima, C Moritoh, H Wada | Rapid and severe proteinuria induced in rats by antibody against cultured rat glomerular epithelial cells |
医学・生物学電子顕微鏡技術研究会会誌 7: 28-29, 1993. | 井上伸一,上木房枝,内藤一郎,井上聡子 | (15)アクリトロンE包埋組織の超薄切法と免疫染色法 |
組織培養 19: 32, 1993. | 友野靖子 | 書評 細胞培養法一生化学への応用 (RLP Adams著,山田正篤・山根績訳,東京化学同人刊 ) |
組織培養 19: 103-106, 1993. | 沖垣達 | 培養研究のあゆみ 追想の篠遠喜人教授 |
組織培養 19: 143-146, 1993. | 川口真,沖垣達,和田博義 | 臨床疾患の研究 ピユーロマイシン腎症と活性酸素 |
組織培養 19: 147, 1993. | 井上伸一,沖垣達 | 書評 医学・生物学の走査電子顕微鏡(医学・生物学電子顕微鏡技術研究会編.宮澤七郎・安達公一監修,医学出版センター刊) |
脂質生化学研究 35: 58-61, 1993. | 渡辺清博,西山雅子 | I-10 スンクス(Suncus murinus)脳糖脂質の分析 |
脂質生化学研究 35: 70-72, 1993. | 角田篤信,櫛泰典,小松崎篤,渡辺清博,飯田静夫 | I-13 人AB型赤血球膜の糖脂質構造について |
医学検査 42: 1107-1112, 1993. | 香川恵 | ドットプロット法を用いた抗糸球体基底膜抗体腎炎の迅速簡便検査法の開発 |
高梁川流域の自然 6: 5-12, 1993. | 沖垣達 | 恐竜王国(Dinosaurland) を往く 一米国北西部に化石を求めてー |
組織培養 19: 377, 1993. | 沖垣達 | 書評 「不死テクノロジ一」 一科学がSFを越える日一(エド・レジス著,大貫昌子訳,工作舎,1993年刊) |
日常診療と血液 3: 1292-1295, 1993. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (1) 血液細胞に魅せられた病理学者ーその錯覚と真実一 |
日常診療と血液 3: 1436-1438, 1993. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (2) 血液細胞に魅せられた病理学者ーその錯覚と真実一(つづき) |
日常診療と血液 3: 1550-1554, 1993. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (3) 胚発生の機構と胎生期造血および骨髄造血 |
重井医学年報 15: 1, 1993. | 小川勝士 | 巻頭言 重井医学年報第15巻の刊行を祝して |
重井医学年報 15: 3-7, 1993. | 沖垣達 | 巻頭言 重井医学研究所創立15年に寄せて |
重井医学年報 15: 9-16, 1993. | 宮村由美,森藤千晴,沖垣達 | ラット腎糸球体上皮細胞株(SGE1) の染色体変異一第1番染色体トリソミーの出現と不死化ー |
重井医学年報 15: 17-27, 1993. | 佐渡義一,S Rauf,香川恵,木代有美子,内藤一郎,井上聡子,大橋俊孝,杉本学,二宮善文 | ウシ腎臓,肺,胎盤由来の腎炎惹起性抗原:モノクローナル抗体による解析 |
重井医学年報 15: 29-42, 1993. | 渡邊清博,林陽 | スフインゴ糖脂質のコード化と糖鎖構造の三文字記号表記一脂質情報データベースを構築,利用する立場から一 |
重井医学年報 15: 43-50, 1993. | 西山雅子,渡辺清博 | スフインゴ糖脂質の蛍光ラベル法 III. アミノH酸による糖脂質の蛍光ラベル法および分取TLC用蛍光試薬 |
重井医学年報 15: 51-59, 1993. | 内藤一郎,井上聡子,高橋千恵子,香川恵,佐渡義一,上木房枝,井上伸一 | IV型コラーゲンα5鎖NC1特異的モノクローナル抗体 H51を用いるアルポート症候群の免疫組織学的診断一試料作製法の検討ー |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Chromosome Res. 1994 May;2(3):171-183. | H Naora, Z Z Xu, K Miyahara, H Liszczynsky, S Seno | Gene ecology: a cis-acting gene-to-gene interaction due to the spatial arrangement of genes in chromosomes affects neighbouring transfected c-H-ras expression |
Am J Pathol. 1994 May;144(5):986-996. | K Yoshioka, S Hino, T Takemura, S Maki, J Wieslander, Y Takekoshi, H Makino, M Kagawa, Y Sado, C E Kashtan | Type IV collagen alpha 5 chain. Normal distribution and abnormalities in X-linked Alport syndrome revealed by monoclonal antibody |
Biochim Biophys Acta. 1994 Aug 2;1218(3):466-468. | M Seno, J Futami, M Kosaka, S Seno, H Yamada | Nucleotide sequence encoding human pancreatic ribonuclease |
Clin Chim Acta. 1994 Sep;229(1-2):161-169. | F Kanemitsu, T Okigaki | A combination assay of MB and MM isoforms of serum creatine kinase in acute myocardial infarction |
Clin Chim Acta. 1994 Nov;231(1):1-9. | F Kanemitsu, T Okigaki | Characterization of human creatine kinase BB and MB isoforms by means of isoelectric focusing |
Kidney Int. 1994 Nov;46(5):1413-1421. | K Nakanishi, N Yoshikawa, K Iijima, K Kitagawa, H Nakamura, H lto, K Yoshioka, M Kagawa, Y Sado | Immunohistochemical study of alpha 1-5 chains of type IV collagen in hereditary nephritis |
La Kromosomo II-74: 2549-2555, 1994. | Y Miyamura, C Moritoh, T Okigaki | Chromosomal alterations in an immortalized rat renal glomerular epithelial cell line (SGE1) in vitro: An appearance of trisomy of chromosome 1 |
J Virol. 1994 Dec;68(12):8209-8216. | N Ishii, A Nakanishi, M Yamada, M H Macalalad, H Kasamatsu | Functional complementation of nuclear targeting-defective mutants of simian virus 40 structural proteins |
日常診療と血液 4: 92-97, 1994. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (4) 胚発生の機構と胎生期造血および骨髄造血 (つづき) |
日常診療と血液 4: 228-231, 1994. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (5) マクロファージの異物認識 (その1) |
日常診療と血液 4: 374-377, 1994. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (6) マクロファージの異物認識 (その2) |
日常診療と血液 4: 500-504, 1994. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (7) マクロファージの異物認識 (その3) |
日常診療と血液 4: 656-659, 1994. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (8) マクロファージの教訓 (その1) |
日常診療と血液 4: 782-783, 1994. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (9) マクロファージの教訓 (その2) |
日常診療と血液 4: 918-921, 1994. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (10) 血液は流れる (その1) |
日常診療と血液 4: 1076-1080, 1994. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (11) 血液は流れる (その2) |
日常診療と血液 4: 1220-1224, 1994. | 妹尾左知丸 | 血液学外論 (12) 血液は流れる (その3) |
生化学 66: 1-14, 1994. | 妹尾左知丸,田代裕,安田立二,井上正康 | 医学と生物学の間で一内海耕造先生を囲んで一 |
脂質生化学研究 36: 181-184, 1994. | 渡邊清博,西山雅子 | II-3 スフインゴ糖脂質の蛍光ラベル法 IIIーアミノH酸による糖脂質の蛍光ラベル法および分取TLC用蛍光試薬ー |
医学・生物学電子顕微鏡技術研究会 WHO電子顕微鏡診断学研究研修センター編, 129-132, 1994. | 井上伸一 | 7. 重合装置 電子顕微鏡と周辺機器 |
医学・生物学電子顕微鏡技術研究会会誌 8: 114, 1994. | 井上伸一,上木房枝,大森信彦,井上聡子,内藤一郎,沖垣達 | ホウレンソウ葉組織内に存在するグルタミン酸の免疫組織化学的検索 |
腎と透析 臨時増刊号: 193-197, 1994. | 佐渡義一 | 糸球体腎炎の成因 腎炎惹起性抗原 |
重井医学年報 16: 1-10, 1994. | 木代有美子,香川恵,内藤一郎,佐渡義一 | ラットリンパ節法:ラット腸骨リンパ節細胞を用いたモノクローナル抗体の新作製法 |
重井医学年報 16: 11-19, 1994. | 香川恵,木代有美子,内藤一郎,佐渡義一 | 腎炎惹起性抗原を用いたELISA法による抗糸球体基底膜抗体腎炎患者血清の自己抗体検出 |
重井医学年報 16: 21-31, 1994. | 杉原克之,瀧正史,木代有美子,香川恵,佐渡義一,井上聡子,内藤一郎,藤枝幹也,二宮善文 | Alport症候群におけるIV型コラーゲンα1~α6鎖の分布ーモノクローナル抗体による解析ー |
重井医学年報 16: 33-40, 1994. | 宮村由美,森藤千晴,友野靖子,沖垣達 | ラット腎糸球体上皮細胞株(SGE1)の不死化と関連遺伝子 |
重井医学年報 16: 41-50, 1994. | 石井紀郎,中西章,M H Macalalad,笠松春美 | SV40構造蛋白質Vpl及びVp2/3 の核移行シグナルの機能的協調作用の解析 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Cell Struct Funct. 1995 Apr;20(2):151-156. | Y Kishiro, M Kagawa, I Naito, Y Sado | A novel method of preparing rat-monoclonal antibody-producing hybridomas by using rat medial iliac lymph node cells |
Anal Biochem. 1995 May 1;227(1):195-200. | K Watanabe, M Nishiyama | A new type of two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography (TLC mapping) for analysis of acidic glycosphingolipid molecular species |
Eur J Biochem. 1995 Jun 15;230(3):971-976. | K Watanabe, M Nishiyama | Characterization of a novel brain neutral glycosphingolipid composition in house musk shrew (Suncus murinus) |
Am J Kidney Dis. 1995 Jul;26(1):72-79. | Y Ito, A Fukatsu, M Baba, M Mizuno, S Ichida, Y Sado, S Matsuo | Pathogenic significance of interleukin-6 in a patient with antiglomerular basement membrane antibody-induced glomerulonephritis with multinucleated giant cells |
J Am Soc Nephrol. 1995 Aug;6(2):264-268. | K Kitagawa, K Nakanishi, K Iijima, H Nishio, Y Sado, K Sano, H Nakamura, N Yoshikawa | Mutation in alpha 5(IV) collagen chain gene in nonfamilial hematuria |
Cell Struct Funct. 1995 Aug;20(4):269-274. | Y Tomono, C Moritoh, T Yasuda, T Okigaki | Fatty acid composition of ganglioside GM3 of renal glomerular epithelial SGE1 cells during spontaneous dome formation in vitro |
Eur J Biochem. 1995 Aug 1;231(3):862-867. | Y Kushi, A Tsunoda, A Komatsuzaki, K Watanabe, T Kasama, S Handa | Characterization of blood-group-ABO(H)-active glycosphingolipids in type-AB human erythrocytes |
J Lipid Res. 1995 Aug;36(8):1848-1855. | K Watanabe, M Mizuta | Fluorometric detection of glycosphingolipids on thin-layer chromatographic plates |
J Cell Biol. 1995 Sep;130(5):1219-1229. | Y Ninomiya, M Kagawa, K Iyama, I Naito, Y Kishiro, J M Seyer, M Sugimoto, T Oohashi, Y Sado | Differential expression of two basement membrane collagen genes, Col4A6 and Col4A5, demonstrated by immunofluorescence staining using peptide specific monoclonal antibodies |
Histochem Cell Biol. 1995 Oct;104(4):267-275. | Y Sado, M Kagawa, Y Kishiro, K Sugihara, I Naito, J M Seyer, M Sugimoto, T Oohashi, Y Ninomiya | Establishment by the rat lymph node method of epitope-defined monoclonal antibodies recognizing the six different alpha chains of human type IV collagen |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1995 Nov 2;216(1):406-413. | J Futami, M Seno, M Kosaka, H Tada, S Seno, H Yamada | Recombinant human pancreatic ribonuclease produced in E. coli: Importance of the amino-terminal sequence |
Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on Basement Membranes, 103-115, 1995. | Y Ninomiya, T Oohashi, M Kagawa, Y Kishiro, I Naito, K Iyama, J M Seyer, M Sugimoto, T Seki, Y Ueki, W Y Ling, H Yoshioka, R Momota, Y Kajikawa, N Urabe, A Fukutomi, J Kondo, K Saito, H Sumiyoshi, Y Sado | Differential expression of the basement membrane collagen IV genes, COL4A5 and COL4A6. |
組織培養 21: 64-65, 1995. | 沖垣達 | 学会報告 第2回APOCB会議に出席して |
組織培養 21: 225, 1995. | 沖垣達 | 書評 皇帝の新しい心 ーコンピュータ・心・物理法則一 (P Penrose著,林一訳,みすず書房) |
基礎遺伝学 黒田行昭編, 57-110, 1995. | 沖垣達 | 組胞の構造と機能 21世紀への遺伝学 I |
山陽放送学術文化財団リポート39: 25-29, 1995. | 佐渡義一 | IV型コラーゲンの6種のサプユニットを識別するモノクローナル抗体の作製 |
組織培養 21: 442-446, 1995. | 友野靖子,森藤千晴,沖垣達 | トピックス 腎糸球体上皮細胞SGE1の三次元立体培養 |
In "Recent Advances in Molecular Nephrology, " ed. by M. Arakawa & Y. Nakagawa, Kohko-Do, Niigata, pp. 37-48, 1995. | I Naito, S Nomura, S Kawai, Y Sado, G Osawa | Alport syndrome from molecular genetics to patients |
重井医学年報 17: 1-10, 1995. | 佐渡義一,香川恵,木代有美子,内藤一郎,城謙輔,二宮善文 | ヒト腎臓由来の腎炎惹起性抗原の精製:IV型コラーゲンα3鎖,α4鎖,α5鎖のNC1を含む画分の分離 |
重井医学年報 17: 11-19, 1995. | 渡辺清博,井上朋絵 | スンクス(Suncus murinus)じゃ香腺におけるGM4ガングリオシドの特異発現 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Cell Biol Int. 1996 Jan;20(1):7-14. | Y Sado, T Okigaki | A novel method for production of monoclonal antibodies. Evaluation, expectation of the rat lymph node method in cell, molecular biology |
J Pathol. 1996 Mar;178(3):352-358. | K Sugihara, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, H Wada | Experimental anti-GBM glomerulonephritis induced in rats by immunization with synthetic peptides based on six alpha chains of human type IV collagen |
J Cell Biol. 1996 Apr;133(1):141-149. | Y Takai, M Ogawara, Y Tomono, C Moritoh, S Imajoh-Ohmi, O Tsutsumi, Y Taketani, M Inagaki | Mitosis-specific phosphorylation of vimentin by protein kinase C coupled with reorganization of intracellular membranes |
J Invest Dermatol. 1996 May;106(5):1125-1130. | S Fujiwara, K Kohno, A Iwamatsu, I Naito, H Shinkai | Identification of a 450-kDa human epidermal autoantigen as a new member of the plectin family |
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1996 May;37(6):997-1007. | A V Ljubimov, R E Burgeson, R J Butkowski, J R Couchman, R R Wu, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado, E Maguen, A B Nesburn, M C Kenney | Extracellular matrix alterations in human corneas with bullous keratopathy |
J Biochem. 1996 Jul;120(1):133-137. | M Iwata, Y Sado, T Sasaki, Y Imamura, Y Ninomiya, T Hayashi | The 160k alpha 1(IV) chain, a short form of a type IV collagen polypeptide, of bovine lens capsule retains the NC1 domain |
Kidney Int. 1996 Jul;50(1):304-311. | I Naito, S Kawai, S Nomura, Y Sado, G Osawa | Relationship between COL4A5 gene mutation and distribution of type IV collagen in male X-linked Alport syndrome. Japanese Alport Network |
Virchows Arch. 1996 Jul;428(4-5):281-288. | S Rauf, M Kagawa, Y Kishiro, S Inoue, I Naito, T Oohashi, M Sugimoto, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado | Nephritogenicity and alpha-chain composition of NC1 fractions of type IV collagen from bovine renal basement membrane |
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1996 Oct;11(10):2070-2073. | Y Igarashi, K Kojima, M Oka, O Kaneko, S Hidaka, M Shimomura, M Nagase, Y Sado | Anti-GBM-associated crescentic glomerulonephritis with discrete IgG deposition, but with no electron-dense material in glomeruli |
J Histochem Cytochem. 1996 Dec;44(12):1469-1479. | A V Ljubimov, R E Burgeson, R J Butkowski, J R Couchman, L Zardi, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado, Z S Huang, A B Nesburn, M C Kenney | Basement membrane abnormalities in human eyes with diabetic retinopathy |
Pediatr Nephrol. 1996 Dec;10(6):742-744. | S Hino, T Takemura, Y Sado, M Kagawa, T Oohashi, Y Ninomiya, K Yoshioka | Absence of alpha 6(IV) collagen in kidney and skin of X-linked Alport syndrome patients |
Cell Eng. 1: 179-182, 1996. | P C Wang, S Kiura, K Todokor, T Okigaki, Y H Kao, M Matsumura | Stable expression of human complement receptor CRl gene on rat renal glomerular epithelial cell SGE1 |
Tiss Cult Res Commun. 15(2) : 141-145, 1996. | Y Miyamura, C Moritoh, N Ishii, T Okigaki | p53 gene mutations in the immortalized rat epithelial cell lines |
Connective Tissue1996; 28: 247-253. | S Kawai, S Nomura, I Naito, Y Sado, G Osawa | A Genetic Analysis of Alport Syndrome |
腎臓 18: 104-112, 1996. | 堅村信介, 川井伸一郎, 大津源吾, 内藤一郎, 佐渡義一 | アルポート症候群ー特に, 研究の進歩と新しい診断法についてー |
医・生・電顕会誌 10: 67, 1996. | 井上伸一,内藤一郎,妹尾左知丸 | 成熟ラット空腸におけるタンパク質の吸収機構に関する免疫組織化学的研究 |
脂質生化学研究 38: 187-190, 1996. | 櫛泰典, 飯田静夫,横崎博美,有田政信,笠間建嗣,渡辺清博,渡来仁 | ヒトAB型赤血球膜のABO(H)式血液型糖脂質構造の存在様式とA型赤血球のA型活性を持つガングリオシド構造について |
日本内科学会雑誌 85: 61-67, 1996. | 原田孝司,堅村信介,内藤一郎 | III. 遺伝性腎疾患・その他 2. Alport症候群 |
日本組織培養学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京, 1996. | 沖垣達他 編集 | 組織培養の技術 第3版 [基礎編] |
日本組織培養学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京, 1996. | 沖垣達他 編集 | 組織培養の技術 第3版 [応用編] |
組織培養の技術 第3版 [基礎編], 日本組織培養学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京, pp. 52-55, 1996. | 井上伸一 | 電子顕微鏡による形態観察と写真撮影 |
組織培養の技術 第3版 [基礎編], 日本組織培養学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京, pp. 105-106, 1996. | 沖垣達 | 各種臓器からの細胞の培養法:まえがき |
組織培養の技術 第3版 [基礎編], 日本組織培養学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京, pp. 107-109, 1996. | 沖垣達 | 糠維芽細胞の培養法 |
組織培養の技術 第3版 [基礎編], 日本組織培養学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京, pp. 120-130, 1996. | 沖垣達, 川口真 | 腎細胞培養法 |
組織培養の技術 第3版 [基礎編], 日本組織培養学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京, pp. 227-232, 1996. | 友野靖子,渡辺清博 | 糖脂質の抽出定量法 |
組織培養の技術 第3版 [基礎編], 日本組織培養学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京, pp. 474-478, 1996. | 香川恵, 森藤千晴 | モノクローナル抗体の作製法 |
免疫学からみた腎と腎疾患, 杉崎徹三・吉田孝人編, 日本医学館, 東京, pp.119-125, 1996. | 佐渡義一 | 抗糸球体基底膜抗体腎炎とグッドパスチャー症候群 |
重井医学年報 18: 1-12, 1996. | 石井紀郎,南直治郎 | SV40主要構造蛋白質Vp1の二相性核移行シグナルの解析 |
重井医学年報 18: 13-18, 1996. | 井上聡子,内藤一郎,高橋千恵子,香川恵,佐渡義一 | 抗IV型コラーゲンα鎖特異的モノクローナル抗体群の種間交差反応 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Genet Couns. 1997;8(1):43-44. | S Nomura, I Naito, Y Sado, G Osawa | Prenatal diagnosis of Alport syndrome |
Seikagaku. 1997 Feb;69(2):128-131. | Y Sado, M Kagawa | [An efficient, antigen-saving, labor-saving, and time-saving technique for making monoclonal antibodies with enlarged rat lymph nodes] |
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1997 Jun;12(6):1238-1241. | M Kagawa, Y Kishiro, I Naito, T Nemoto, H Nakanishi, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado | Epitope-defined monoclonal antibodies against type-IV collagen for diagnosis of Alport's syndrome |
J Pathol. 1997 Jun;182(2):225-232. | Y Sado, M Kagawa, Y Kishiro, I Naito, K Joh, Y Ninomiya | Purification and characterization of human nephritogenic antigen that induces anti-GBM nephritis in rats |
Contrib Nephrol. 1997;122:134-139. | I Naito, S Nomura, S Inoue, M Kagawa, T Matsubara, T Araki, M Taki, H Ohmori, K Manabe, S Kawai, G Osawa, Y Sado | X-linked Alport syndrome with normal distribution of collagen IV alpha chains in epidermal basement membrane |
Virchows Arch. 1997 Jun;430(6):489-494. | K Joh, Y Kanetsuna, Y Ishikawa, S Aizawa, I Naito, Y Sado | Diffuse mesangial sclerosis associated with Kawasaki disease: an analysis of alpha chains (alpha 1-alpha 6) of human type IV collagen in the renal basement membrane |
J Clin Pathol. 1997 Nov;50(11):919-922. | I Naito, S Nomura, S Inoue, M Kagawa, S Kawai, Y Gunshin, K Joh, C Tsukidate, Y Sado, G Osawa | Normal distribution of collagen IV in renal basement membranes in Epstein's syndrome |
Histochemical Journal 29, 563-570, 1997. | K Tanaka, K-I Iyama, M Kitaoka, Y Ninomiya, T Oohashi, Y Sado, T Ono | Differential expression of α1(IV), α2(IV), α5(IV) andα6(IV) collagen chains in the basement membrane of basal cell carcinoma |
Annual Review 腎臓, 中外医学杜, 東京, pp. 22-27, 1997. | 佐渡義一 | Goodpasture症候群の原因抗原 |
小児科診療 60:4 65-470, 1997. | 武田修明,西田吉伸,河村一郎,佐々木博,田中睦男,内藤一郎,佐渡義一 | Alport症候群におけるIV型コラーゲンα鎖の解析 |
医学のあゆみ (別冊) 腎疾患-states of arts ver. 2 成清卓二, 浅野泰編, 医歯薬出版, 東京, pp.204-207, 1997. | 佐渡義一 | 抗基底膜抗体腎炎の実験モデル |
最新内科学大系(プログレス10)腎・泌尿器疾患, 富田公夫編, 井村裕夫他監修, 中山書店, 東京, pp.135-150, 1997. | 堅村信介,内藤一郎,川井伸一郎 | 糸球体疾患 Alport症候群 |
重井医学年報 19: 1-12, 1997. | 佐渡義一,香川恵,内藤一郎,二宮善文 | IV型コラーゲン分子の三重らせん構造を形成するα鎖の組み合わせ:[α1,α1,α2],[α3,α4,α5],[α5,α5,α6]の3種類の分子が存在する |
重井医学年報 19: 13-19, 1997. | 王碧昭,堀澤健一,高躍華,松村正利,沖垣達 | 免疫複合体の除去に効果的な培養腎糸球体上皮細胞の構築:人工腎臓への新しい試み |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Am J Hum Genet. 1998 Feb;62(2):253-261. | Y Ueki , I Naito, T Oohashi, M Sugimoto, T Seki, H Yoshioka, Y Sado, H Sato, T Sawai, F Sasaki, M Matsuoka, S Fukuda, Y Ninomiya | Topoisomerase I and II consensus sequences in a 17-kb deletion junction of the COL4A5, COL4A6 genes and immunohistochemical analysis of esophageal leiomyomatosis associated with Alport syndrome |
Kidney Int. 1998 Mar;53(3):664-671. | Y Sado, A Boutaud, M Kagawa, I Naito, Y Ninomiya, B G Hudson | Induction of anti-GBM nephritis in rats by recombinant alpha 3(IV)NC1 and alpha 4(IV)NC1 of type IV collagen |
Am J Pathol. 1998 Mar;152(3):673-678. | L Heidet, E Boye, Y Cai, Y Sado, X Zhang, J F Fléjou, F Fékété, Y Ninomiya, M C Gubler, C Antignac | Somatic deletion of the 5' ends of both the COL4A5 and COL4A6 genes in a sporadic leiomyoma of the esophagus |
J Biol Chem. 1998 Apr 10;273(15):8767-8775. | S Gunwar, F Ballester, M E Noelken, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, B G Hudson | Glomerular basement membrane. Identification of a novel disulfide-cross-linked network of alpha3, alpha4, and alpha5 chains of type IV collagen and its implications for the pathogenesis of Alport syndrome |
J Biol Chem. 1998 Apr 24;273(17):10672-19681. | M W Olson, M Toth, D C Gervasi, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, R Fridman | High affinity binding of latent matrix metalloproteinase-9 to the alpha2(IV) chain of collagen IV |
J Biochem. 1998 May;123(5):767-776. | Y Sado, M Kagawa, I Naito, Y Ueki, T Seki, R Momota, T Oohashi, Y Ninomiya | Organization and expression of basement membrane collagen IV genes and their roles in human disorders |
Am J Kidney Dis. 1998 Jun;31(6):E4. | S Nomura, I Naito, T Fukushima, T Tokura, N Kataoka, I Tanaka, H Tanaka, G Osawa | Molecular genetic and immunohistochemical study of autosomal recessive Alport's syndrome |
J Mol Cell Cardiol. 1998 Jun;30(6):1191-1202. | M Murakami, S Kusachi, M Nakahama, I Naito, T Murakami, M Doi, J Kondo, T Higashi, Y Ninomiya, T Tsuji | Expression of the alpha 1 and alpha 2 chains of type IV collagen in the infarct zone of rat myocardial infarction |
Matrix Biol. 1998 Aug;17(4):279-291. | S Sasaki, B Zhou, W W Fan, Y Kim, D F Barker, J C Denison, C L Atkin, M C Gregory, J Zhou, Y Segal, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, A F Michael, C E Kashtan | Expression of mRNA for type IV collagen alpha1, alpha5 and alpha6 chains by cultured dermal fibroblasts from patients with X-linked Alport syndrome |
J Am Soc Nephrol. 1998 Aug;9(8):1433-1440. | K Nakanishi, K Iijima, N Kuroda, Y Inoue, Y Sado, H Nakamura, N Yoshikawa | Comparison of alpha5(IV) collagen chain expression in skin with disease severity in women with X-linked Alport syndrome |
Nephron. 1998 Sep;80(1):115-117. | M Fujieda, F Endo, Y Morisawa, I Naito, Y Sado, S Nomura, T Kurashige | Alport syndrome with a peculiar pattern of distribution of the alpha3-alpha6 chains of type IV collagen in renal basement membrane |
Br J Dermatol. 1998 Sep;139(3):371-374. | N Tanaka, S Tajima, A Ishibashi, T Izumi, S Nishina, N Azuma, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya | Expression of the alpha1-alpha6 collagen IV chains in the dermoepidermal junction during human foetal skin development: temporal and spatial expression of the alpha4 collagen IV chain in an early stage of development |
Clin Nephrol. 1998 Sep;50(3):137-143. | T Tóth, I Naito, S Takebayashi | Diffuse thin glomerular basement membrane in association with idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis |
Pediatr Nephrol. 1998 Sep;12(7):554-558. | N Kuroda, N Yoshikawa, K Nakanishi, K Iijima, K Hanioka, Y Hayashi, Y Imai, Y Sado, M Nakayama, H Itoh | Expression of type IV collagen in the developing human kidney |
Kidney Int. 1998 Sep;54(3):706-719. | G E Lees, R G Helman, C E Kashtan, A F Michael, L D Homco, N J Millichamp, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado, I Naito, Y Kim | A model of autosomal recessive Alport syndrome in English cocker spaniel dogs |
Pathol Int. 1998 Sep;48(9):730-738. | H Naora, S Seno, H Naora | Regulation of tumor growth as a 'total mass' in mice: apoptosis as a major mechanism in altering growth rates of single and multiple coexisting tumor nodules |
Histochem Cell Biol. 1998 Oct;110(4):359-366. | T Seki, I Naito, T Oohashi, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya | Differential expression of type IV collagen isoforms, alpha5(IV) and alpha6(IV) chains, in basement membranes surrounding smooth muscle cells |
Pathol Res Pract. 1998;194(6):413-422. | A Yamanishi, S Kusachi, M Nakahama, Y Ninomiya, T Watanabe, H Kumashiro, H Nunoyama, J Kondo, I Naito, T Tsuji | Sequential changes in the localization of the type IV collagen alpha chain in the infarct zone: immunohistochemical study of experimental myocardial infarction in the rat |
Jpn Heart J. 1998 Nov;39(6):753-762. | T Watanabe, S Kusachi, A Yamanishi, H Kumashiro, H Nunoyama, I Sano, M Nakahama, T Murakami, I Naito, Y Ninomiya, T Tsuji | Localization of type IV collagen alpha chain in the myocardium of dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy |
Kidney Int. 1998 Dec;54(6):1857-1866. | S J Harvey, K Zheng, Y Sado, I Naito, Y Ninomiya, R M Jacobs, B G Hudson, P S Thorner | Role of distinct type IV collagen networks in glomerular development and function |
Biol Reprod. 1998 Dec;59(6):1334-1341. | H F Rodgers, C M Irvine, I L van Wezel, T C Lavranos, M R Luck, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, R J Rodgers | Distribution of the alpha1 to alpha6 chains of type IV collagen in bovine follicles |
Clin Exp Nephrol. 2: 58-63, 1998. | I Naito, S Nomura, S Kawai, S Inoue, J A Jefferson, C M Hill, T Harada, Y Sado, G Osawa | Renal distribution of collagen type IVαchains in autosomal-dominant Alport syndrome |
Clin Exp Nephrol. 2 : 282-288, 1998. | Y Sado, I Naito, Y Ninomiya | Glomerular basement membrane type IV collagen antigens in Goodpasture's and Alport's syndromes |
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 31: 329-334, 1998. | S Seno, S Inoue, M Akita, K Setsu, Y Tsugaru, Y Furuhata | Intestinal absorption of lysozyme molecules and their destination, an immunohistochemical study on rat |
分子腎臓病学 酒井紀, 遠藤仁, 五十嵐隆編 腎と透析 45(臨時増刊号) : 509-514, 1998. | 佐渡義一 | Goodpasture症候群:抗糸球体基底膜腎炎一抗糸球体基底膜抗体腎炎ー |
Molecular Medicine 35 (臨時増刊号): 318-319, 1998. | 堅村信介,内藤一郎 | 糸球体性血尿 |
細胞外マトリックス研究法 [2 ]基礎知識からデータの解釈まで 第II部 免疫学的・酵素学研究法, 畑隆一郎・服部俊治・新井克彦編, コラーゲン技術研修会, 東京, pp.24-46, 1998. | 佐渡義一 | モノクローナル抗体/ラットリンパ節法 |
In “Extracellular Matrix-Cellular Interaction: Molecules to Diseases, "ed. by Y. Ninomiya, et al., Japan Sci. Soc. Press, Tokyo, S. Karger, Basel, pp.235-260, 1998. | Y Sado, I Naito, Y Ninomiya | Expression of collagen IV genes and Goodpasture antigens |
無敵のバイオテクニカルシリーズ特別編, 岡田雅人・宮崎香編, 羊土社, 東京, pp.82-83, 1998. | 後藤英仁, 友野靖子,佐渡義一,小迫英尊, 柳田真紀, 稲垣昌樹 | A. 抗体作製の注意点 |
無敵のバイオテクニカルシリーズ特別編, タンパク実験の進めかた 4章 抗体をつくる, 岡田雅人・宮崎香編, 羊土杜, 東京, pp.88-93, 1998. | 友野靖子,佐渡義一 | D. モノクローナル抗体の作製 |
重井医学年報 20: 1-2, 1998. | 小川勝士 | 巻頭言 重井医学年報創刊20周年記念を祝して |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Lab Invest. 1999 Mar;79(3):281-292. | S Nakano, K Iyama, M Ogawa, H Yoshioka, Y Sado, T Oohashi, Y Ninomiya | Differential tissular expression and localization of type IV collagen alpha1(IV), alpha2(IV), alpha5(IV), and alpha6(IV) chains and their mRNA in normal breast and in benign and malignant breast tumors |
Am J Vet Res. 1999 Mar;60(3):373-383. | G E Lees, R G Helman, C E Kashtan, A F Michael, L D Homco, N J Millichamp, Z T Camacho, J W Templeton, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado, I Naito, Y Kim | New form of X-linked dominant hereditary nephritis in dogs |
Oncogene. 1999 Apr 29;18(17):2783-2788. | H Kosako, H Goto, M Yanagida, K Matsuzawa, M Fujita, Y Tomono, T Okigaki, H Odai, K Kaibuchi, M Inagaki | Specific accumulation of Rho-associated kinase at the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis: cleavage furrow-specific phosphorylation of intermediate filaments |
Cell Tissue Res. 1999 May;296(2):385-394. | I L van Wezel, H F Irving-Rodgers, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, R J Rodgers | Ultrastructure and composition of Call-Exner bodies in bovine follicles |
Am J Pathol. 1999 Jun;154(6):1883-1891. | K Zheng, S Harvey, Y Sado, I Naito, Y Ninomiya, R Jacobs, P S Thorner | Absence of the alpha6(IV) chain of collagen type IV in Alport syndrome is related to a failure at the protein assembly level and does not result in diffuse leiomyomatosis |
J Cell Physiol. 1999 Jul;180(1):131-139. | M Toth, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, R Fridman | Biosynthesis of alpha2(IV) and alpha1(IV) chains of collagen IV and interactions with matrix metalloproteinase-9 |
J Biol Chem. 1999 Sep 3;274(36):25543-25549. | H Goto, Y Tomono, K Ajiro, H Kosako, M Fujita, M Sakurai, K Okawa, A Iwamatsu, T Okigaki, T Takahashi, M Inagaki | Identification of a novel phosphorylation site on histone H3 coupled with mitotic chromosome condensation |
Cell Res. 1999 Sep;9(3):189-199. | G Y Hua, P Wang, K Takagi, O Shimozato, H Yagita, T Okigaki, M Matasumura | Expression of a soluble form of CTLA4 on macrophage and its biological activity |
Connective Tissue Vol. 31. 161-168, 1999. | S Takahashi, K Yoshika, T Sasaki, Y Takeda, Y Imamura, Y Sado, T Hayashi | Serum-dependent Secretion of Nondisulfide-bonded and Unfolded Type IV Collagen αChains by Cultured Fetal Lung Fibroblast |
医学生物学電顕技術誌 14(1): 23-30, 1999. | 妹尾左知丸 | 電子顕微鏡による病理学の新しい展開への期待 |
医学生物学電顕技術誌 14(1): 39-42, 1999. | 内藤一郎 | 抗ペプチドモノクローナル抗体のPost-embedding法への応用 |
Matrix News No 10, 12-l3, 2000. | 内藤一郎 | 未知の形を初めて目にする喜び |
中国腎不全研究会誌 8: 5-17, 1999. | 内藤一郎, 松原龍也, 瀧正史, 大森浩之, 沖垣達 | 腹膜を構成する基底膜IV型コラーゲンの分子生物学的および免疫組織学的解析 |
医薬ジャーナル社, 大阪・東京, 1999. | 妹尾左知丸 | 老化の医化学 健やかな老いを求めて |
内科学 第9章 腎・尿路疾患, 水電解質異常, 黒川清・松澤佑次編, 文光堂, 東京, pp1487-1490, 1999. | 内藤一郎 | 遺伝性腎炎(Alport症候群) |
細胞外マトリックス研究法 [4]基礎知識からデータの解釈まで, 第IV部 機能解析法(上), 畑隆一郎・服部俊治・新井克彦編, コラーゲン技術研修会, 東京, pp39-44, 1999. | 友野靖子 | 腎/腎メサンギウム細胞 |
細胞外マトリックス研究法 [5]基礎知識からデータの解釈まで, 第IV部 機能解析法(下), 畑隆一郎・服部俊治・新井克彦編, コラーゲン技術研修会, 東京, pp48-63, 1999. | 佐渡義一 | 疾患モデルの作製とその利用(3) 自己免疫性腎疾患 |
重井医学年報 21: 6-57, 1999. | 沖垣達 | 沖垣達所長 研究・教育および社会活動業績集(1958-2000) |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Electrophoresis. 2000 Jan;21(2):266-270. | F. Kanemitsu, J. Mizushima, T. Kageoka, T. Okigaki, K. Taketa, S. Kira | Characterization of two types of mitochondrial creatine kinase isolated from normal human cardiac muscle and brain tissue |
Pathol Res Pract. 2000;196(1):23-33. | M Doi, S Kusachi, T Murakami, Y Ninomiya, M Murakami, M Nakahama, K Takeda, I Komatsubara, I Naito, T Tsuji | Time-dependent changes of decorin in the infarct zone after experimentally induced myocardial infarction in rats: comparison with biglycan |
Am J Vet Res. 2000 Jan;61(1):38-41. | G E Lees, C E Kashtan, A F Michael, R G Helman, I Naito, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado, Y Kim | Expression of the alpha6 chain of type IV collagen in glomerular basement membranes of healthy adult dogs |
J Biol Chem. 2000 Mar 17;275(11):8051-8061. | E Petitclerc, A Boutaud, A Prestayko, J Xu, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, M P Sarras Jr, B G Hudson, P C Brooks | New functions for non-collagenous domains of human collagen type IV. Novel integrin ligands inhibiting angiogenesis, tumor growth in vivo |
J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2000 Jun;32(6):1087-1100. | M Nakahama, T Murakami, S Kusachi, I Naito, K Takeda, H Ohnishi, I Komatsubara, T Oka, Y Ninomiya, T Tsuji | Expression of perlecan proteoglycan in the infarct zone of mouse myocardial infarction |
Am J Kidney Dis. 2000 Aug;36(2):378-391. | J C Hood, J Savige, A E Seymour, J Dowling, P Martinello, D Colville, R Sinclair, I Naito, G Jennings, C Huxtable | Ultrastructural appearance of renal and other basement membranes in the Bull terrier model of autosomal dominant hereditary nephritis |
J Biol Chem. 2000 Sep 29;275(39):30716-30724. | A Boutaud, D B Borza, O Bondar, S Gunwar, K O Netzer, N Singh, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado, M E Noelken, B G Hudson | Type IV collagen of the glomerular basement membrane. Evidence that the chain specificity of network assembly is encoded by the noncollagenous NC1 domains |
J Biochem. 2000 Sep;128(3):427-434. | K Saito, I Naito, T Seki, T Oohashi, E Kimura, R Momota, Y Kishiro, Y Sado, H Yoshioka, Y Ninomiya | Differential expression of mouse alpha5(IV) and alpha6(IV) collagen genes in epithelial basement membranes |
Trends Glycosci Glycotech. 12: 175-184, 2000. | K Watanabe, E Yasugi, M Oshima | How to search the glycolipid data in "LIPIDBANK for Web." the newly developed lipid database in Japan |
生物学に関する試験論叢(平成10年度両備樫園記念財団研究助成金による研究報告) 15: 117-124, 2000. | 内藤一郎 | エンドスタチン特異的モノクローナル抗体を応用したエンドスタチン機能の解析ならびに癌転移性の診断法を目指した基礎研究 |
脂質生化学研究 42: 115-118, 2000. | 渡遺清博, 八杉悦子, 大島恵美子 | 生理活性脂質データベース(LIPIDBANK for Web) 構築 |
ミクロスコピア 17: 84-91, 2000. | 妹尾左知丸 | 細胞病理学から化学結合論へ |
診断と治療 88: 1095-1099, 2000. | 堅村信介, 内藤一郎, 井上伸一, 中野赳 | 良性家族性の血尿とアルポート症候群 |
岡山実験動物研究会誌 第17号:19-20, 2000. | 内藤一郎 | IV型コラーゲンとIV型コラーゲン遺伝子異常症(Alport症候群)動物モデル |
近畿福祉大学紀要 1: 20-25, 2000. | I Naito, T Matsubara, C Takahashi, H Ohmori, Y Sado, Y. Ninomiya, T Okigaki | Basement membrane beneath serous membranes contains α1 (IV), α2 (IV), α5 (IV) and α6(IV) chains of type IV collagen demonstrated by chain-specific monoclonal antibodies |
近畿福祉大学紀要 1: 54-61, 2000. | 沖垣達,井上美智子 | 大学における一般教育科目「生物学」はどうあるべきか |
内科 86: 1210-1212, 2000. | 内藤一郎, 堅村信介 | Alport症候群の分子異常 |
早島町すこやか健康の会, 岡山, 2000. | 沖垣達(監修) | 楽らく高齢期 |
21世紀への遺伝学, 1 基礎遺伝学(第2版) 第2章, 裳華房, 東京, pp. 58-110, 2000. | 沖垣達 | 細胞の構造と機能 |
糖脂質の構造 (廣川川生物薬科学実験講座 第3巻), 廣川書店, 東京, pp. 8-58, 2000. | 渡邊清博 | 脂質[I] 糖脂質 I 第1章 糖脂質の構造 |
重井医学年報 22: 1-8, 2000. | 大森浩之,内藤一郎 | Glomerular Sclerosis or Fibrosis? |
重井医学年報 22: 9-14, 2000. | 林篤,瀧正史,有元克彦,松原龍也,井上伸一,大森浩之,佐渡義一,内藤一郎 | 種々の腎組織標本におけるネフリンの発現状態 |
重井医学年報 22: 15-19, 2000. | 石井紀郎,川井伸一郎,小林朋絵,北野裕一,近藤淳一,山西あさみ,西本弘,土屋正夫,重井文博 | 男性透析患者におけるレプチン受容体遺伝子の3’非翻訳領域に存在する5塩基欠失/挿入多型と血清レプチン及びインスリンレベルとの相関性 |
重井医学年報 22: 21-33, 2000. | 友野靖子,安藤香織,内藤一郎,佐渡義一,二宮善文 | XV型およびXVIII型コラーゲン特異的モノクローナル抗体の作製とヒト組織での分布の相違 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Cell Struct Funct. 2001 Feb;26(1):1-8. | Y Tashiro, T Okigaki | A brief history of the Japan Society for Cell Biology |
J Biochem. 2001 Jun;129(6):929-936. | K Yoshikawa, S Takahashi, Y Imamura, Y Sado, T Hayashi | Secretion of non-helical collagenous polypeptides of alpha1(IV)and alpha2(IV) chains upon depletion of ascorbate by cultured human cells |
Gene Ther. 2001 Jun;8(11):882-890. | P Heikkilä, A Tibell, T Morita, Y Chen, G Wu, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, E Pettersson, K Tryggvason | Adenovirus-mediated transfer of type IV collagen alpha5 chain cDNA into swine kidney in vivo: deposition of the protein into the glomerular basement membrane |
J Biol Chem. 2001 Jul 27;276(30):28532-28540. | D B Borza, O Bondar, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado, I Naito, P Todd, B G Hudson | The NC1 domain of collagen IV encodes a novel network composed of the alpha 1, alpha 2, alpha 5, and alpha 6 chains in smooth muscle basement membranes |
J Pathol. 2001 Aug;194(4):420-427. | K Y Nakano, K I Iyama, T Mori, M Yoshioka, T Hiraoka, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya | Loss of alveolar basement membrane type IV collagen alpha3, alpha4, and alpha5 chains in bronchioloalveolar carcinoma of the lung |
Am J Pathol. 2001 Sep;159(3):1097-1104. | S J Harvey, R Mount, Y Sado, I Naito, Y Ninomiya, R Harrison, B Jefferson, R Jacobs, P S Thorner | The inner ear of dogs with X-linked nephritis provides clues to the pathogenesis of hearing loss in X-linked Alport syndrome |
Seikagaku. 2001 Sep;73(9):1163-1167. | Y Sado | [Labor- and time-saving method in making rat monoclonal antibodies] |
Int J Dev Biol. 2001 Oct;45(7):827-831. | N Nagai, K Nakano, Y Sado, I Naito, M Gunduz, H Tsujigiwa, H Nagatsuka, Y Ninomiya, C H Siar | Localization of type IV collagen a 1 to a 6 chains in basement membrane during mouse molar germ development |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Nov 16;288(5):1149-1154. | P Wu, H Yonekura, H Li, I Nozaki, Y Tomono, I Naito, Y Ninomiya, H Yamamoto | Hypoxia down-regulates endostatin production by human microvascular endothelial cells and pericytes |
Clin Cancer Res. 2001 Dec;7(12):4027-4032. | T Kaneyoshi, H Nakatsukasa, T Higashi, K Fujiwara, I Naito, K Nouso, K Kariyama, Y Kobayashi, M Uemura, S I Nakamura, Y Iwasaki, T Tsuji | Actual invasive potential of human hepatocellular carcinoma revealed by in situ gelatin zymography |
脂質生化学研究 43: 252-255, 2001. | 大島美枝子, 八杉悦子, 渡邊清博 | 生理活性脂質データベース(LIPIDBANK for Web) の新しい展開 |
腎臓病の最新医療, 先端医療シリーズ 13・腎臓病, 荒川正昭・小磯謙吉・浅野泰監修, 先端医療技術研究所, 東京, pp.70-75, 2001. | 堅村信介,内藤一郎 | アルポート症候群 |
腎臓病の最新医療, 先端医療シリーズ 13・腎臓病, 荒川正昭・小磯謙吉・浅野泰監修, 先端医療技術研究所, 東京, pp.315-316, 2001. | 内藤一郎,佐渡義一 | アルポート症候群診断用モノクローナル抗体を用いたアルポート症候群の免疫組織診断 |
重井医学年報 23: 11-19, 2001. | 佐渡義一,神田貴行, 内藤一郎,瀧正史,大森浩之 | 腎炎惹起性モノクローナル抗体を用いた腎炎発症機序の解明:モノクローナル抗体のαー84の投与量と腎炎の程度 |
重井医学年報 23: 21-26, 2001. | 内藤一郎,岡優子,真鍋康二,松島寛,高橋千恵子,井上聡子,佐渡義一,大森浩之 | FITC標識α5鎖抗体とTexas red標識α2鎖抗体を用いる二重抗体法の大腸癌組織診断への応用 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002 Jan;17(1):70-74. | H Mothes, L Heidet, C Arrondel, K K Richter, M Thiele, L Patzer, Y Sado, M-C Gubler, C Antignac, J Scheele | Alport syndrome associated with diffuse leiomyomatosis: COL4A5-COL4A6 deletion associated with a mild form of Alport nephropathy |
Cornea 2002 Jan;21(1):95-100. | E Maguen, N C Zorapapel, J D Zieske, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado, M C Kenney, A V Ljubimov | Extracellular matrix and matrix metalloproteinase changes in human corneas after complicated laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) |
Cell Struct Funct. 2002 Feb;27(1):9-20. | Y Tomono, I Naito, K Ando, T Yonezawa, Y Sado, S Hirakawa, J Arata, T Okigaki, Y Ninomiya | Epitope-defined monoclonal antibodies against multiplexin collagens demonstrate that type XV and XVIII collagens are expressed in specialized basement membranes |
Pathol Int. 2002 Mar;52(3):224-233. | Y Hiki, K-I Iyama, J Tsuruta, H Egami, T Kamio, S Suko, I Naito, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, M Ogawa | Differential distribution of basement membrane type IV collagen alpha1(IV), alpha2(IV), alpha5(IV) and alpha6(IV) chains in colorectal epithelial tumors |
Genes Cells. 2002 May;7(5):475-485. | I Izawa, M Nishizawa, Y Tomono, K Ohtakara, T Takahashi, M Inagaki | ERBIN associates with p0071, an armadillo protein, at cell-cell junctions of epithelial cells |
Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso. 2002 Jun;47(7):837-841. | E Yasugi, K Watanabe | [LIPIDBANK for Web, the newly developed lipid database] |
Arch Histol Cytol. 2002 Jun;65(2):133-143. | N Urabe, I Naito, K Saito, T Yonezawa, Y Sado, H Yoshioka, S Kusachi, T Tsuji, A Ohtsuka, T Taguchi, T Murakami, Y Ninomiya | Basement membrane type IV collagen molecules in the choroid plexus, pia mater, capillaries in the mouse brain |
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002 Jun;17(6):1145-1147. | A Komatsuda, H Ohtani, H Wakui, N Tokuda, Y Nakamoto, Y Sado, I Naitoh, H Imai | A family with X-linked Alport syndrome confirmed by skin biopsy |
Matrix Biol. 2002 Aug;21(5):415-423. | P B Kelley, Y Sado, M K Duncan | Collagen IV in the developing lens capsule |
J Oral Pathol Med. 2002 Sep;31(8):494-499. | K Nakano, C H Siar, N Nagai, I Naito, Y Sado, H Nagatsuka, C Hoh, K Kurada, H Tsujigiwa, M Gunduz | Distribution of basement membrane type IV collagen alpha chains in ameloblastoma: an immunofluorescence study |
J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2002 Sep;17(9):980-986 | Y Oka, I Naito, K Manabe, Y Sado, H Matsushima, Y Ninomiya, M Mizuno, T Tsuji | Distribution of collagen type IV alpha1-6 chains in human normal colorectum and colorectal cancer demonstrated by immunofluorescence staining using chain-specific epitope-defined monoclonal antibodies |
Am J Kidney Dis. 2002 Oct;40(4):697-703. | J Shimizu, H Tanaka, K Aya, S Ito, Y Sado, Y Seino | A missense mutation in the nephrin gene impairs membrane targeting |
J Biol Chem. 2002 Oct 18;277(42):40075-40083. | D-B Borza, O Bondar, P Todd, M Sundaramoorthy, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, B G Hudson | Quaternary organization of the goodpasture autoantigen, the alpha 3(IV) collagen chain. Sequestration of two cryptic autoepitopes by intrapromoter interactions with the alpha4 and alpha5 NC1 domains |
Virchows Arch. 2002 Oct;441(4):392-399. | H Nagatsuka, C H Siar, K Nakano, H Tsujigiwa, M Gunduz, H Choufuku, Y-J Lee, I Naito, Y Sado, N Nagai | Differential expression of collagen IV alpha1 to alpha6 chains in basement membranes of benign and malignant odontogenic tumors |
Histochem J. 2002 Oct;34(10):479-486. | M A Kiyofuji, K Iyama, M Kitaoka, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, S Ueda | Quantitative analysis of type IV collagen alpha chains in the basement membrane of human urogenital epithelium |
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002 Dec;17(12):2094-2098. | J C Hood, C Huxtable, I Naito, C Smith, R Sinclair, J Savige | A novel model of autosomal dominant Alport syndrome in Dalmatian dogs |
脂質生化学研究 44: 254-255, 2002. | 渡邊清博,八杉悦子,大島美恵子,湯尾明 | 生理活性脂質データベースからバイオインフォマテイクス |
Diabetes Frontier. 13 (Suppl); 6-12, 2002. | 二宮善文,米津朋子,土井正行,廣畑聡,内藤一郎,古松毅之,斎藤健司,友野靖子,百田龍輔,大橋俊孝 | 細胞外マトリックスと血管内皮細胞 |
あなたにも役立つバイオインフォマティクス, 菅原秀明編集, 共立出版, 東京, pp.100-105, 2002. | 八杉悦子,渡邊清博 | 生理活性データベースを利用する |
専門医のための腎臓病学, 下条文武・内山聖・富野康日己編集, 医学書院, 東京, pp.244-251, 2002. | 堅村信介,内藤一郎 | 家族性・遺伝性疾患アルポート症候群 |
重井医学年報 24: 1-5, 2002. | 松原龍也,川井伸一郎,石井紀郎,小林朋絵,北野裕一,丹田信也,有元克彦,大森浩之,重井文博 | 透析患者における血管内皮型一酸化窒素合成酵素(NOS 3)遺伝子多型とankle-brachial index(ABI)の検討 |
重井医学年報 24: 7-14, 2002. | 友野靖子,安藤香織,内藤一郎,佐渡義一,坪井壮,水森静志,宮崎正博,沖垣達,渡邊網一,二宮善文 | 高分化型ヒト不死化肝細胞株(OUMS-29)と肝癌細胞株(JHH-1)でのエンドスタチン分泌の相違 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Am J Pathol. 2003 Mar;162(3):873-885. | S J Harvey, K Zheng, B Jefferson, P Moak, Y Sado, I Naito, Y Ninomiya, R Jacobs, P S Thorner | Transfer of the alpha 5(IV) collagen chain gene to smooth muscle restores in vivo expression of the alpha 6(IV) collagen chain in a canine model of Alport syndrome |
Med Electron Microsc. 2003 Mar;36(1):1-7. | I Naito, Y Ninomiya, S Nomura | Immunohistochemical diagnosis of Alport's syndrome in paraffin-embedded renal sections: antigen retrieval with autoclave heating |
Arch Ophthalmol. 2003 Jun;121(6):846-850. | S Ohkubo, H Takeda, T Higashide, M Ito, M Sakurai, Y Shirao, T Yanagida, Y Oda, Y Sado | Immunohistochemical and molecular genetic evidence for type IV collagen alpha5 chain abnormality in the anterior lenticonus associated with Alport syndrome |
Am J Pathol. 2003 Jul;163(1):145-155. | L Heidet, E M H F Bongers, M Sich, S-Y Zhang, C Loirat, A Meyrier, M Broyer, G Landthaler, B Faller, Y Sado, N V A M Knoers, M-C Gubler | In vivo expression of putative LMX1B targets in nail-patella syndrome kidneys |
Am J Pathol. 2003 Oct;163(4):1633-1644. | L Heidet, D-B Borza, M Jouin, M Sich, M-G Mattei, Y Sado, B G Hudson, N Hastie, C Antignac, M-C Gubler | A human-mouse chimera of the alpha3alpha4alpha5(IV) collagen protomer rescues the renal phenotype in Col4a3-/- Alport mice |
Advancement of Life Science. 1-5, 2003. | T Okigaki | Advancement of in vitro biology-as a science, a technology- |
Advancement of Life Science. 13-18, 2003. | Y Tomono, I Naito, Y Sado, S Tsuboi, S Nagamori, M Miyazaki, T Okigaki, T Watanabe, Y Ninomiya | Differences of endostatin secretion between highly differentiated human immortalized hepatocytes (OUMS-29), hepatocarcinoma cells (JHH-l) |
Advancement of Life Science. 135-140, 2003. | I Naito, T Osawa, K Ishida, Y Sado, S Hayashi, Y Nozak, T Okigaki, Y Ninomiya | Fine Structural Localization of Collagen Type IV a Chains in the Rat Glomerular Basement Membrane using Chain-specific Monoclonal Antibodies |
Advancement of Life Science. 193-197, 2003. | N Ishii, S Kawai, T Kobayashi, Y Kitano, M Tsuchiya, F Shigei | Association Between Leptin Receptor Genotype, Serum Leptin/Insulin Concentrations in Male Hemodialysis Patients |
細胞 35(4): 126-131, 2003. | 内藤一郎,米津朋子,猪山賢ー,佐渡義一,二宮善文 | 基底膜機能と疾患 |
重井医学年報 25: 1-9, 2003. | 佐渡義一,真鍋康二,瀧正史,大森浩之 | 腎炎患者血清中のGBMに対する抗体は腎炎惹起性ではない:腎炎惹起性の抗体はすでにGBMに結合して取り除かれている |
重井医学年報 25: 11-15, 2003. | 石井紀郎,小林朋絵,川井伸一郎,北野裕一,丹田信也,近藤淳一,西本弘,土屋正夫,重井文博 | 維持透析患者における血漿総ホモシステイン濃度とMTHFR遺伝子多型の関連 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004 Jan 30;314(1):11-16. | D Kajimura, S Takahashi, K Yoshikawa, S Hattori, Y Sado, Y Imamura, T Hayashi | Non-helical type IV collagen polypeptides in human placenta |
Kidney Int. 2004 Feb;65(2):469-481. | S Sasaki, J Nishihira, T Ishibashi, Y Yamasaki, K Obikane, M Echigoya, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, K Kobayashi | Transgene of MIF induces podocyte injury and progressive mesangial sclerosis in the mouse kidney |
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2004 Jun;15(6):1466-1474. | M N Rheault, S M Kren, B K Thielen, H A Mesa, J T Crosson, W Thomas, Y Sado, C E Kashtan, Y Segal | Mouse model of X-linked Alport syndrome |
Pancreas. 2004 Jul;29(1):61-66. | G Kadono, T Ishihara, T Yamaguchi, K Kato, F Kondo, I Naito, Y Sado, H Saisho | Immunohistochemical localization of type IV collagen alpha chains in the basement membrane of the pancreatic duct in human normal pancreas and pancreatic diseases |
Kidney Int. 2004 Jul;66(1):177-186. | T Kohda, S-I Okada, A Hayashi, S Kanzaki, Y Ninomiya, M Taki, Y Sado | High nephritogenicity of monoclonal antibodies belonging to IgG2a and IgG2b subclasses in rat anti-GBM nephritis |
Kidney Int. 2004 Jul;66(1):102-111. | O Gross, B Beirowski, S J Harvey, C McFadden, D Chen, S Tam, P S Thorner, N Smyth, K Addicks, W Bloch, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado, M Weber, W F Vogel | DDR1-deficient mice show localized subepithelial GBM thickening with focal loss of slit diaphragms and proteinuria |
Virchows Arch. 2004 Jul;445(1):54-62. | S Misumi, K-I Iyama, Y Honda, T Kitano, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, M Shinohara | Differential expression of basement membrane type-IV collagen alpha1, alpha2, alpha5 and alpha6 chains among the histological subtypes of adenoid cystic carcinoma |
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2004 Sep;19(9):2228-2236. | S-I Takeda, M Takahashi, Y Sado, K Takeuchi, Y Hakamata, H Shimizu, T Kaneko, H Yamamoto, C Ito, S Ookawara, Y Asano, E Kusano, E Kobayashi | Prevention of glomerular crescent formation in glomerulonephritis by mycophenolate mofetil in rats |
Int J Oncol. 2004 Nov;25(5):1267-1271. | S Tsuboi, K Nouso, Y Tomono, S Nagamori, I Naito, T Watanabe, K Manabe, H Ohmori, H Nakatsukasa, M Miyazaki, T Higashi, Y Shiratori, M Namba, Y Ninomiya | Anti-endostatin monoclonal antibody enhances growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells by inhibiting activity of endostatin secreted by the transplanted cells in nude mice |
腎と透析 57; 725-731, 2004. | 佐渡義一 | 特集“腎炎惹起関連分子"実験モデルと関連分子抗 GBM 抗体腎炎 |
飯野晃敬教授退官記念文集, pp.41-42, 2004. | 沖垣達 | 友よ,更に語り合わん |
大学教育出版, 岡山, 2004. | 妹尾左知丸 | 新しい病理学の世界ー細胞病理学から分子病理学へー |
分子細胞治療 Vol3, No1, 89-90, 2004. | 妹尾左知丸 | II 感想記 「血液幹細胞シンポジウム」の過去・現在・未来 血液幹細胞の研究-その歴史と将来への展望ー |
重井医学年報 26: 1-11, 2004. | 佐渡義一 | 総説 皮膚生検と腎生検のIV型コラーゲン染色でどこまでアルポート症候群は診断できるか |
重井医学年報 26: 13-17, 2004. | 妹尾左知丸,井上伸一 | 特別寄稿 顕微鏡に導かれてー細胞病理学から化学病理学へー |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
J Nutr. 2005 Apr;135(4):695-701. | M P Marín, G Esteban-Pretel, R Alonso, Y Sado, T Barber, J Renau-Piqueras, J Timoneda | Vitamin A deficiency alters the structure and collagen IV composition of rat renal basement membranes |
J Biol Chem. 2005 Jul 22;280(29):27147-27154. | D-B Borza, O Bondar, S Colon, P Todd, Y Sado, E G Neilson, B G Hudson | Goodpasture autoantibodies unmask cryptic epitopes by selectively dissociating autoantigen complexes lacking structural reinforcement: novel mechanisms for immune privilege and autoimmune pathogenesis |
Oncol Rep. 2005 Sep;14(3):645-650. | K Noma, Y Naomoto, M Gunduz, J Matsuoka, T Yamatsuji, Y Shirakawa, T Nobuhisa, T Okawa, M Takaoka, Y Tomono, H Ohmori, E Gunduz, N Tanaka | Effects of imatinib vary with the types of KIT-mutation in gastrointestinal stromal tumor cell lines |
Virchows Arch. 2005 Oct;447(4):710-716. | H Nagatsuka, R S Rivera, M Gunduz, Y-J Lee, R Tamamura, E Gunduz, I Naito, Y Sado, N Nagai | Immunolocalization and distribution patterns of type IV collagen alpha chains in oral mucosal melanoma |
Hum Mol Genet. 2005 Nov 1;14(21):3161-3168. | T V Agtmael, U Schlötzer-Schrehardt, L McKie, D G Brownstein, A W Lee, S H Cross, Y Sado, J J Mullins, E Pöschl, I J Jackson | Dominant mutations of Col4a1 result in basement membrane defects which lead to anterior segment dysgenesis and glomerulopathy |
Kidney Int. 2005 Nov;68(5):2121-2130. | K Zheng, J Perry, S J Harvey, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, B Jefferson, R Jacobs, B G Hudson, P S Thorner | Regulation of collagen type IV genes is organ-specific: evidence from a canine model of Alport syndrome |
Clin Nephrol. 2005 Nov;64(5):329-336. | H Akazawa, M Nakajima, M Nishiguchi, Y Yamoto, Y Sado, I Naito, A Yoshioka | Quantitative immunoelectron-microscopic analysis of the type IV collagen alpha1-6 chains in the glomerular basement membrane in childhood thin basement membrane disease |
重井医学年報 27: 1-8, 2005. | 佐渡義一 | 腎生検標本の凍結法の比較ードライアイスアセトン凍結ではなく液体窒素凍結が良いー |
重井医学年報 27: 21-26, 2005. | 高尾智也 ,瀧正史,桝本'悟,小川誠,佐渡義一 ,古橋協 | 常染色体劣性遺伝形式を呈したAlport症候群の2小児例 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 Jan;17(1):66-76. | J Perry, S Tam, K Zheng, Y Sado, H Dobson, B Jefferson, R Jacobs, P S Thorner | Type IV collagen induces podocytic features in bone marrow stromal stem cells in vitro |
Pathol. Int. 2006 Feb;56(2):55-61. | T Kado, T Kohda, S Okada, A Hayashi, Y Utsunomiya, S Kanzaki, Y Sado, T Yamamoto | Immunohistochemical characterization of glomerular inflammatory cells and expression of adhesion molecules in anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) glomerulonephritis induced in WKY rats with monoclonal anti-GBM antibodies of different subclasses |
Nat Cell Biol. 2006 Feb;8(2):180-187. | H Goto, T Kiyono, Y Tomono, A Kawajiri, T Urano, K Furukawa, E A Nigg, M Inagaki | Complex formation of Plk1 and INCENP required for metaphase-anaphase transition |
EMBO J. 2006 Mar 8;25(5):1160-1174. | M Takemoto, L He, J Norlin, J Patrakka, Z Xiao, T Petrova, C Bondjers, J Asp, E Wallgard, Y Sun, T Samuelsson, P Mostad, S Lundin, N Miura, Y Sado, K Alitalo, S E Quaggin, K Tryggvason, C Betsholtz | Large-scale identification of genes implicated in kidney glomerulus development and function |
Am J Pathol. 2006 Mar;168(3):856-865. | K Ikeda, K Iyama, N Ishikawa, H Egami, M Nakao, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, H Baba | Loss of expression of type IV collagen alpha5 and alpha6 chains in colorectal cancer associated with the hypermethylation of their promoter region |
Am J Pathol. 2006 May;168(5):1587-1597. | S J Harvey, J Perry, K Zheng, D Chen, Y Sado, B Jefferson, Y Ninomiya, R Jacobs, B G Hudson, P S Thorner | Sequential expression of type IV collagen networks: testis as a model and relevance to spermatogenesis |
Histochem Cell Biol. 2006 Jul;126(1):71-82. | E J Macarak, J Schulz, S A Zderic, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, E Polyak, S Chacko, P S Howard | Smooth muscle trans-membrane sarcoglycan complex in partial bladder outlet obstruction |
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 Jul;17(7):1962-1969. | J S Kang, X P Wang, J H Miner, R Morello, Y Sado, D R Abrahamson, D-B Borza | Loss of alpha3/alpha4(IV) collagen from the glomerular basement membrane induces a strain-dependent isoform switch to alpha5alpha6(IV) collagen associated with longer renal survival in Col4a3-/- Alport mice |
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 2006 Jul 1;39(3):89-94. | Y Sado, S Inoue, Y Tomono, H Omori | Lymphocytes from enlarged iliac lymph nodes as fusion partners for the production of monoclonal antibodies after a single tail base immunization attempt |
Kidney Int. 2006 Aug;70(3):460-470. | R Zent, X Yan, Y Su, B G Hudson, D-B Borza, G W Moeckel, Z Qi, Y Sado, M D Breyer, P Voziyan, A Pozzi | Glomerular injury is exacerbated in diabetic integrin alpha1-null mice |
Mol Hum Reprod. 2006 Sep;12(9):525-534. | H F Irving-Rodgers, B E Friden, S E Morris, H D Mason, M Brannstrom, K Sekiguchi, N Sanzen, L M Sorokin, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, R J Rodgers | Extracellular matrix of the human cyclic corpus luteum |
FASEB J. 2006 Sep;20(11):1904-1906. | T Miyoshi, S Hirohata, H Ogawa, M Doi, M Obika, T Yonezawa, Y Sado, S Kusachi, S Kyo, S Kondo, Y Shiratori, B G Hudson, Y Ninomiya | Tumor-specific expression of the RGD-alpha3(IV)NC1 domain suppresses endothelial tube formation and tumor growth in mice |
Virchows Arch. 2006 Sep;449(3):358-366. | R Tamamura, H Nagatsuka, C H Siar, N Katase, I Naito, Y Sado, N Nagai | Differential expression of basement membrane collagen-IV alpha1 to alpha6 chains during oral carcinogenesis |
Seikagaku. 2006 Nov;78(11):1092-1094. | Y Sado | [Production of monoclonal antibodies by using lymphocytes from enlarged iliac lymph nodes of mice immunized intramuscularly at the tail base] |
KKベストセラーズ, 2006. | 妹尾左知丸 | 病気にならない 老化を防ぐ 血管マッサージ |
重井医学年報 28: 1-8, 2006. | 松原龍也,安藤香織,小林朋絵,有元克彦,瀧正史,真鍋康二,友野靖子 | CAPD 期間にともなう排液中の腹膜基底膜構成成分エンドスタチンの変化 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007 Feb;48(2):627-635. | E Guerriero, J Chen, Y Sado, R R Mohan, S E Wilson, J L Funderburgh, N Sundarraj | Loss of alpha3(IV) collagen expression associated with corneal keratocyte activation |
Am J Nephrol. 2007;27(2):1291-1237. | S Sanna-Cherchi, M L Carnevali, D Martorana, P Cravedi, U Maggiore, R Alinovi, A Bovino, S Mattei, G Orlandini, R Gatti, M Savi, Y Sado, T M Neri, L Allegri | Alterations of type IV collagen alpha chains in patients with chronic acquired glomerulopathies: mRNA levels, protein expression and urinary loss |
Cell. 2007 Apr 6;129(1):179-193. | M A Fox, J R Sanes, D- B Borza, V P Eswarakumar, R Fässler, B G Hudson, S W M John, Y Ninomiya, V Pedchenko, S L Pfaff, M N Rheault, Y Sado, Y Segal, M J Werle, H Umemori | Distinct target-derived signals organize formation, maturation, and maintenance of motor nerve terminals |
Kidney Int. 2007 Sep;72(5):608-613. | S Tanda, Y Mori, T Kimura, K Sonomura, T Kusaba, N Kishimoto, H Kameyama, K Tamagaki, M Okigaki, T Hatta, S Sasaki, K Takeda, Y Sado, N Adachi, H Matsubara | Histamine ameliorates anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody-induced glomerulonephritis in rats |
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2007 Sep;293(3):F688-695. | M Hörbelt, S-Y Lee, H E Mang, N L Knipe, Y Sado, A Kribben, T A Sutton | Acute and chronic microvascular alterations in a mouse model of ischemic acute kidney injury |
Int J Hematol. 2007 Oct;86(3):205-206. | S Okada | A Tribute to Professor Satimaru Seno |
J Biol Chem. 2007 Nov 16;282(46):33381-33388. | L Sipilä, H Ruotsalainen, R Sormunen, N L Baker, S R Lamandé, M Vapola, C Wang, Y Sado, A Aszodi, R Myllylä | Secretion and assembly of type IV and VI collagens depend on glycosylation of hydroxylysines |
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007 Nov;48(11):4989-4999. | A Kabosova, D T Azar, G A Bannikov, K P Campbell, M Durbeej, R F Ghohestani, J C R Jones, M C Kenney, M Koch, Y Ninomiya, B L Patton, M Paulsson, Y Sado, E H Sage, T Sasaki, L M Sorokin, M-F Steiner-Champliaud, T-T Sun, N Sundarraj, R Timpl, I Virtanen, A V Ljubimov | Compositional differences between infant and adult human corneal basement membranes |
J Gastroenterol. 2007 Nov;42(11):874-880. | Y Baba, K-I Iyama, K Ikeda, S Ishikawa, N Hayashi, N Miyanari, Y Honda, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, H Baba | Differential expression of basement membrane type IV collagen alpha chains in gastric intramucosal neoplastic lesions |
Arch Histol Cytol. 2007 Nov;70(4):255-265. | H Hasegawa, I Naito, K Nakano, R Momota, K Nishida, T Taguchi, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, A Ohtsuka | The distributions of type IV collagen alpha chains in basement membranes of human epidermis and skin appendages |
Arch Histol Cytol. 2007 Nov;70(4):243-253. | K Nakano, I Naito, R Momota, Y Sado, H Hasegawa, Y Ninomiya, A Ohtsuka | The distribution of type IV collagen alpha chains in the mouse ovary and its correlation with follicular development |
Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2007 Nov;148(3):621-628. | H Nakamura, S Yoshitome, I Sugimoto, Y Sado, A Kawahara, S Ueno, T Miyahara, Y Yoshida, N Aoki-Yagi, E Hashimoto | Cellular distribution of Mr 25,000 protein, a protein partially overlapping phosvitin and lipovitellin 2 in vitellogenin B1, and yolk proteins in Xenopus laevis oocytes and embryos |
Arch Histol Cytol. 2007 Dec;70(5):313-323. | H Sato, I Naito, R Momota, Y Naomoto, T Yamatsuji, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, A Ohtsuka | The differential distribution of type IV collagen alpha chains in the subepithelial basement membrane of the human alimentary canal |
FASEB J. 2007 Dec;21(14):3904-3916. | K Liu, S Mori, H K Takahashi, Y Tomono, H Wake, T Kanke, Y Sato, N Hiraga, N Adachi, T Yoshino, M Nishibori | Anti-high mobility group box 1 monoclonal antibody ameliorates brain infarction induced by transient ischemia in rats |
組織細胞化学 2007「組織細胞化学の基本から先端技術まで」日本組織細胞化学会編, pp. 55-77, 2007. | 佐渡義一 | モノクローナル抗体の作製 |
重井医学年報 29: 1-18, 2007. | 佐渡義一,大森浩之,二宮善文,瀧正史 | 能動型ラット実験腎炎の自己抗体の特異性解析:主要な原因抗原はⅣ型コラーゲンα4鎖のNCI領域である。 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Oncogene. 2008 Feb 7;27(7):1004-1012. | G Kurban, E Duplan, N Ramlal, V Hudon, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, A Pause | Collagen matrix assembly is driven by the interaction of von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein with hydroxylated collagen IV alpha 2 |
Ann Surg Oncol. 2008 Feb;15(2):555-565. | Y Baba, K Iyama, K Ikeda, S Ishikawa, N Hayashi, N Miyanari, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, H Baba | The expression of type IV collagen alpha6 chain is related to the prognosis in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma |
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2008 Mar;19(3):495-502. | P S Thorner, M Ho, V Eremina, Y Sado, S Quaggin | Podocytes contribute to the formation of glomerular crescents |
Clin Cancer Res. 2008 Jul 15;14(14):4631-4639. | N Watanabe, M Takaoka, K Sakurama, Y Tomono, S Hatakeyama, O Ohmori, T Motoki, Y Shirakawa, T Yamatsuji, M Haisa, J Matsuoka, D G Beer, H Nagatsuka, N Tanaka, Y Naomoto | Dual tyrosine kinase inhibitor for focal adhesion kinase and insulin-like growth factor-I receptor exhibits anticancer effect in esophageal adenocarcinoma in vitro, in vivo |
Circ J. 2008 Jul;72(7):1178-1184. | S Oozawa, S Mori, T Kanke, H Takahashi, K Liu, Y Tomono, M Asanuma, I Miyazaki, M Nishibori, S Sano | Effects of HMGB1 on ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat heart |
J Biol Chem. 2008 Aug 15;283(33):22737-22748. | R M Vanacore, A J Ham, J P Cartailler, M Sundaramoorthy, P Todd, V Pedchenko, Y Sado, D-B Borza, B G Hudson | A role for collagen IV cross-links in conferring immune privilege to the Goodpasture autoantigen: structural basis for the crypticity of B cell epitopes |
Zoology (Jena). 2008;111(5):410-418. | H Shimizu, R Aufschnaiter, L Li, M P Sarras Jr, D-B Borza, D R Abrahamson, Y Sado, X Zhang | The extracellular matrix of hydra is a porous sheet and contains type IV collagen |
Diabetologia. 2008 Sep;51(9):1680-1688. | H F Irving-Rodgers, A F Ziolkowski, C R Parish, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, C J Simeonovic, R J Rodgers | Molecular composition of the peri-islet basement membrane in NOD mice: a barrier against destructive insulitis |
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Sep 2;105(35):12849-12854. | R Manabe, K Tsutsui, T Yamada, M Kimura, I Nakano, C Shimono, N Sanzen, Y Furutani, T Fukuda, Y Oguri, K Shimamoto, D Kiyozumi, Y Sato, Y Sado, H Senoo, S Yamashina, S Fukuda, J Kawai, N Sugiura, K Kimata, Y Hayashizaki, K Sekiguchi | Transcriptome-based systematic identification of extracellular matrix proteins |
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2008 Sep;19(9):1692-1700. | K Katayama, M Kawano, I Naito, H Ishikawa, Y Sado, N Asakawa, T Murata, K Oosugi, M Kiyohara, E Ishikawa, M Ito, S Nomura | Irradiation prolongs survival of Alport mice |
J Biol Chem. 2008 Dec 12;283(50):35070-35077. | J S Kang, S Colon, T Hellmark, Y Sado, B G Hudson, D B Borza | Identification of noncollagenous sites encoding specific interactions and quaternary assembly of alpha 3 alpha 4 alpha 5(IV) collagen: implications for Alport gene therapy |
Arch Histol Cytol. 2008 Nov;71(3):185-194. | N Hinenoya, I Naito, R Momota, Y Sado, K Kumagishi, Y Ninomiya, A Ohtsuka | Type IV collagen alpha chains of the basement membrane in the rat bronchioalveolar transitional segment |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2008 Dec 26;377(4):1227-1231. | Y Ikegami, H Goto, T Kiyono, M Enomoto, K Kasahara, Y Tomono, K Tozawa, A Morita, K Kohri, M Inagaki | Chk1 phosphorylation at Ser286 and Ser301 occurs with both stalled DNA replication and damage checkpoint stimulation |
三医会記事, 1-4, 2008. | 辻井禎 | 追想 妹尾左知丸先生 |
重井医学年報 30: 1, 2008. | 重井文博 | 巻頭言 重井医学年報第30 巻の刊行に際して |
重井医学年報 30: 3-4, 2008. | 内藤一郎 | 巻頭言 重井医学研究所創立30 周年によせて |
重井医学年報 30: 5-6, 2008. | 大森浩之 | 巻頭言 重井医学研究所創立30 周年に寄せて |
重井医学年報 30: 7-15, 2008. | 井上聡子,佐渡義一 | モノクローナル抗体作製における,腸骨リンパ節細胞を用いた,ポリエチレングリコール融合法,電気的融合法,センダイウィルス外膜蛋白質融合法の比較検討 |
重井医学年報 30: 33-34, 2008. | 友野靖子 | レポート 第99 回米国癌学会年次総会に出席して |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Mol Cancer Ther. 2009 Jan;8(1):127-134. | K Sakurama, K Noma, M Takaoka, Y Tomono, N Watanabe, S Hatakeyama, O Ohmori, S Hirota, T Motoki, Y Shirakawa, T Yamatsuji, M Haisa, J Matsuoka, N Tanaka, Y Naomoto | Inhibition of focal adhesion kinase as a potential therapeutic strategy for imatinib-resistant gastrointestinal stromal tumor |
Oncol Rep. 2009 Feb;21(2):407-411. | K Sakurama, Y Naomoto, T Ohara, N Watanabe, M Takaoka, H Nagatsuka, Y Tomono, T Tanida, K Noma, S Tanabe, Y Fujiwara, T Motoki, Y Shirakawa, T Yamatsuji, S Hirota, T Taguchi, N Tanaka | Establishment of a lymph node metastasis model from subcutaneous tumors of gastrointestinal stromal tumor model cells |
Lupus. 2009 Apr;18(4):355-360. | A A Tveita, Y Ninomiya, Y Sado, O P Rekvig, S N Zykova | Development of lupus nephritis is associated with qualitative changes in the glomerular collagen IV matrix composition |
Exp Anim. 2009 Apr;58(2):193-198. | H Kose, Y Sado, T Yamada, K Matsumoto | Genetic mapping found major QTLs for antibody-induced glomerulonephritis in WKY rats |
Exp Eye Res. 2009 May;88(5):945-952. | S Merjava, P Liskova, Y Sado, P F Davis, N S Greenhill, K Jirsova | Changes in the localization of collagens IV and VIII in corneas obtained from patients with posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy |
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2009 Aug;24(8):2411-2414. | K Aya, J Shimizu, Y Ohtomo, K Satomura, H Suzuki, K Yan, Y Sado, T Morishima, H Tanaka | NPHS1 gene mutation in Japanese patients with congenital nephrotic syndrome |
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009 Aug;50(8):3662-3670. | J Chen, E Guerriero, Y Sado, N SundarRaj | Rho-mediated regulation of TGF-beta1- and FGF-2-induced activation of corneal stromal keratocytes |
Oncol Rep. 2009 Nov;22(5):973-979. | H Hao, Y Naomoto, X Bao, N Watanabe, K Sakurama, K Noma, T Motoki, Y Tomono, T Fukazawa, Y Shirakawa, T Yamatsuji, J Matsuoka, Z G Wang, M Takaoka | Focal adhesion kinase as potential target for cancer therapy (Review) |
World J Gastroenterol. 2009 Dec 21;15(47):5916-5923. | H-F Hao, Y Naomoto, X-H Bao, N Watanabe, K Sakurama, K Noma, Y Tomono, T Fukazawa, Y Shirakawa, T Yamatsuji, J Matsuoka, M Takaoka | Progress in researches about focal adhesion kinase in gastrointestinal tract |
J Biol Chem. 2009 Dec 4;284(49):34223-34230. | M Enomoto, H Goto, Y Tomono, K Kasahara, K Tsujimura, T Kiyono, M Inagaki | Novel positive feedback loop between Cdk1 and Chk1 in the nucleus during G2/M transition |
重井医学年報 31:3-12, 2009. | 佐渡義一,井上聡子,安藤香織,友野靖子 | スンクスIgMに対するモノクローナル抗体の作成 |
重井医学年報 31: 49-50, 2009. | 友野靖子 | レポート 平成21 年度全国発明表彰式に出席して |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Oncol Lett. 2010 Jan;1(1):195-201. | X H Bao, Y Naomoto, H F Hao, N Watanabe, K Sakurama, K Noma, T Motoki, Y Tomono, T Fukazawa, Y Shirakawa, T Yamatsuji, J Matsuoka, M Takaoka | IGF-IR, its inhibitors in gastrointestinal carcinomas (Review) |
Cell Tissue Res. 2010 Mar;339(3):613-624. | H F Irving-Rodgers, K Hummitzsch, L S Murdiyarso, W M Bonner, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, J R Couchman, L M Sorokin, R J Rodgers | Dynamics of extracellular matrix in ovarian follicles and corpora lutea of mice |
J Neurotrauma. 2010 Apr;27(4):739-751. | T Takigawa, T Yonezawa, T Yoshitaka, J Minaguchi, M Kurosaki, M Tanaka, Y Sado, A Ohtsuka, T Ozaki, Y Ninomiya | Separation of the perivascular basement membrane provides a conduit for inflammatory cells in a mouse spinal cord injury model |
Int J Mol Med. 2010 Apr;25(4):493-503. | X H Bao, Y Naomoto, H F Hao, N Watanabe, K Sakurama, K Noma, T Motoki, Y Tomono, T Fukazawa, Y Shirakawa, T Yamatsuji, J Matsuoka, M Takaoka | Autophagy: Can it become a potential therapeutic target? |
Oncol Rep. 2010 Jun;23(6):1483-1492. | H Hao, Y Naomoto, X Bao, N Watanabe, K Sakurama, K Noma, T Motoki, Y Tomono, T Fukazawa, Y Shirakawa, T Yamatsuji, J Matsuoka, M Takaoka | HSP90 and its inhibitors |
Clin Exp Nephrol. 2010 Jun;14(3):283-287. | T Tsuji, Y Fujigaki, M Sakakima, Y Sado, A Hishida | Siblings with Alport's syndrome showing unique staining patterns for alpha5(IV) and alpha6(IV) chains of collagen type IV |
EMBO J. 2010 Aug 18;29(16):2802-2812. | K Kasahara, H Goto, M Enomoto, Y Tomono, T Kiyono, M Inagaki | 14-3-3 gamma mediates Cdc25A proteolysis to block premature mitotic entry after DNA damage |
重井医学年報 32: 3-13, 2010. | 佐渡義一,井上聡子,安藤香織,友野靖子 | スンクスIgG に対するポリクローナル抗体ならびにモノクローナル抗体の作製 |
重井医学年報 32: 47, 2010. | 友野靖子 | レポート MEXT Priority Research Project “Cell Proliferation Control” International Symposium [Cell Cycle, Cell Differentiation From A to Z]に出席して |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Feb 14;17(6):717-726. | T Motoki, Y Naomoto, J Hoshiba, Y Shirakawa, T Yamatsuji, J Matsuoka, M Takaoka, Y Tomono, Y Fujiwara, H Tsuchita, M Gunduz, H Nagatsuka, N Tanaka, T Fujiwara | Glutamine depletion induces murine neonatal melena with increased apoptosis of the intestinal epithelium |
Clin Nephrol. 2011 Mar;75(3):255-262. | Y Ohtsuka, T Kanaji, M Nishi, N Sakai, T Sato, S Aoki, K Wakayama, S Nakazato, S Hisano, Y Sado, H Kawachi, K Izuhara, Y Hamasaki | A notable case report of May-Hegglin anomaly with immune complex-related nephropathy: a genetic and histological analysis |
Connect Tissue Res. 2011 Apr;52(2):147-156. | K Saito, T Yonezawa, J Minaguchi, M Kurosaki, S Suetsugu, A Nakajima, H Nomoto, Y Morizane, Y Sado, M Sugimoto, S Kusachi, Y Ninomiya | Distribution of α(IV) collagen chains in the ocular anterior segments of adult mice |
Cancer Sci. 2011 Jul;102(7):1344-1349. | T Ohara, M Takaoka, S Toyooka, Y Tomono, T Nishikawa, Y Shirakawa, T Yamatsuji, N Tanaka, T Fujiwara, Y Naomoto | Inhibition of mTOR by temsirolimus contributes to prolonged survival of mice with pleural dissemination of non-small-cell lung cancer cells |
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2011 Jul;301(1):F101-109. | S-Y Lee, M Hörbelt, H E Mang, N L Knipe, R L Bacallao, Y Sado, T A Sutton | MMP-9 gene deletion mitigates microvascular loss in a model of ischemic acute kidney injury |
Acta Med Okayama. 2011 Dec;65(6):369-377. | C Terada, A Yoshida, Y Nasu, S Mori, Y Tomono, M Tanaka, H K Takahashi, M Nishibori, T Ozaki, K Nishida | Gene expression and localization of high-mobility group box chromosomal protein-1(HMGB-1)in human osteoarthritic cartilage |
ISOBM 2011: The 39th Meeting of the International Society of Oncology, Biomarkers, Sheraton Congress Center, Firenze, Italy. | Y Tomono, K Onishi, S Tsuboi, K Manabe, M Taki, M Fukushima, K Taketa | LC-MS/MS analysis of the protein fraction from HuH-7 cell line reacting with the antibodies against the human alphafetoprotein receptor RECAF |
重井医学年報 33: 3-8, 2011. | 友野靖子,安藤香織,武田和久 | HuH-7細胞株が分泌するAFP糖鎖の分析 |
重井医学年報 33: 19-20, 2011. | 友野靖子 | レポート 第39回 ISOBM (International Society of Oncology, Biomarker)に参加して |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Cancer Res. 2012 Mar 1;72(5):1270-1279. | S Assadian, W E-Assaad, X Q D Wang, P O Gannon, V Barrès, M Latour, A-M Mes-Masson, F Saad, Y Sado, J Dostie, J G Teodoro | p53 inhibits angiogenesis by inducing the production of Arresten |
J Immunol. 2012 Apr 1;188(7):3268-3277. | J-J Zhang, M Malekpour, W Luo, L Ge, F Olaru, X-P Wang, M Bah, Y Sado, L Heidet, S Kleinau, A B Fogo, D-B Borza | Murine membranous nephropathy: immunization with α3(IV) collagen fragment induces subepithelial immune complexes and FcγR-independent nephrotic syndrome |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012 Jul 13;423(4):744-749. | H Hao, M Takaoka, X Bao, Z Wang, Y Tomono, K Sakurama, T Ohara, T Fukazawa, T Yamatsuji, T Fujiwara, Y Naomoto | Oral administration of FAK inhibitor TAE226 inhibits the progression of peritoneal dissemination of colorectal cancer |
重井医学年報 34: 3-12, 2012. | 井上聡子,佐渡義一,安藤香織,友野靖子,野守あかね,松山誠 | ラットを用いた,腎皮質尿細管基底膜を特異的に染色する同種モノクローナル抗体の作製 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Mar;24(4):587-603. | K Furuhashi, N Tsuboi, A Shimizu, T Katsuno, H Kim, Y Saka, T Ozaki, Y Sado, E Imai, S Matsuo, S Maruyama | Serum-starved adipose-derived stromal cells ameliorate crescentic GN by promoting immunoregulatory macrophages |
Cancer Biol Ther. 2013 Mar;14(3):230-236. | T Nishikawa, M Takaoka, T Ohara, Y Tomono, H Hao, X Bao, T Fukazawa, Z Wang, K Sakurama, Y Fujiwara, T Motoki, Y Shirakawa, T Yamatsuji, N Tanaka, T Fujiwara, Y Naomoto | Antiproliferative effect of a novel mTOR inhibitor temsirolimus contributes to the prolonged survival of orthotopic esophageal cancer-bearing mice |
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 May;24(6):889-895. | F Olaru, W Luo, X-P Wang, L Ge, J M Hertz, C E Kashtan, Y Sado, Y Segal, B G Hudson, D-B Borza | Quaternary epitopes of α345(IV) collagen initiate Alport post-transplant anti-GBM nephritis |
Int J Cancer. 2013 Jun 1;132(11):2705-2713. | T Ohara, K Noma, S Urano, S Watanabe, S Nishitani, Y Tomono, F Kimura, S Kagawa, Y Shirakawa, T Fujiwara | A novel synergistic effect of iron depletion on antiangiogenic cancer therapy |
PLoS One. 2013 Aug 16;8(8):e71093. | H Hao, Y Maeda, T Fukazawa, T Yamatsuji, M Takaoka, X-H Bao, J Matsuoka, T Okui, T Shimo, N Takigawa, Y Tomono, M Nakajima, I M Fink-Baldauf, S Nelson, W Seibel, R Papoian, J A Whitsett, Y Naomoto | Inhibition of the growth factor MDK/midkine by a novel small molecule compound to treat non-small cell lung cancer |
PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e55578. | K Hummitzsch, H F Irving-Rodgers, N Hatzirodos, W Bonner, L Sabatier, D P Reinhardt, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, D Wilhelm, R J Rodgers | A new model of development of the mammalian ovary and follicles |
Acta Histochem. 2013;115(2):113-119. | R Tamamura, H Nagatsuka, C H Siar, N Katase, I Naito, Y Sado, N Nagai | Comparative analysis of basal lamina type IV collagen α chains, matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9 expressions in oral dysplasia and invasive carcinoma |
J Nutr Biochem. 2013;24(1):137-145. | G Esteban-Pretel, M P Marín, J Renau-Piqueras, Y Sado, T Barber, J Timoneda. | Vitamin A deficiency disturbs collagen IV and laminin composition and decreases matrix metalloproteinase concentrations in rat lung. Partial reversibility by retinoic acid |
J Surg Oncol. 2013;107(4):402-407. | K Hirashima, K-I Iyama, Y Baba, Y Honda, Y Sado, Y Ninomiya, M Watanabe, H Takamori, T Beppu, H Baba | Differential expression of basement membrane type IV collagen α2 and α6 chains as a prognostic factor in patients with extrahepatic bile duct carcinoma |
重井医学年報 35: 3-9, 2013. | 松山誠,稲垣昌樹 | ビメンチンの細胞周期特異的なリン酸化部位に変異を導入した遺伝子改変マウスは老化に伴う白内障を引き起こす |
JBC288(50): 35626–35635. | M Matsuyama, H Tanaka, A Inoko,H Goto,S Yonemura,K Kobori,Y Hayashi,E Kondo,S Itohara,I Izawa, M Inagaki | Defect of Mitotic Vimentin Phosphorylation Causes Microophthalmia and Cataract via Aneuploidy and Senescence in Lens Epithelial Cells |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Histol Histopathol. 2014 Feb;29(2):279-284. | T Miyai, K Aya, M Takaiwa, K Yan, Y Sado, H Tanaka, T Morishima | Functional analysis of NPHS1 mutations in Japanese patients |
J Biol Chem. 2014 Nov 7;289(45):31526-31533. | M Matsuyama, A Nomori, K Nakakuni, A Shimono, M Fukushima | Secreted Frizzled-related protein 1 (Sfrp1) regulates the progression of renal fibrosis in a mouse model of obstructive nephropathy |
重井医学年報 36: 3-15, 2014. | 佐渡義一,井上聡子,大西香織,小林朋絵,友野靖子,野守あかね,松山誠 | ラットⅣ型コラーゲンNC1領域に対するマウスモノクローナル抗体の作製 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Lab Invest. 2015 Feb;95(2):168-179. | S Kameishi, H Sugiyama, M Yamato, Y Sado, H Namiki, T Kato, T Okano | Remodeling of epithelial cells and basement membranes in a corneal deficiency model with long-term follow-up |
J Biol Chem. 2015 May 22;290(21):12984-12998. | H Tanaka, H Goto, A Inoko, H Makihara, A Enomoto, K Horimoto, M Matsuyama, K Kurita, I Izawa, M Inagaki | Cytokinetic Failure-induced Tetraploidy Develops into Aneuploidy, Triggering Skin Aging in Phosphovimentin-deficient Mice |
重井医学年報 37: 3-10, 2015. | 松山誠,古家野孝行,野守あかね,小林朋絵,中國恭美,福島正樹 | 急性腎不全モデルマウスにおいてSfrp1はWnt/Non-canonical経路を介して腎線維化の修復を調節している |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 17;6:21721. | A Nakatsuka, M Matsuyama, S Yamaguchi, A Katayama, J Eguchi, K Murakami, S Teshigawara, D Ogawa, N Wada, T Yasunaka, F Ikeda, A Takaki, E Watanabe, J Wada | Insufficiency of phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase is risk for lean nonalcoholic steatohepatitis |
Dis Model Mech. 2016 Feb;9(2):165-176. | F E Jones, M A Bailey, L S Murray, Y Lu, S McNeilly, U Schlötzer-Schrehardt, R Lennon, Y Sado, D G Brownstein, J J Mullins, K E Kadler, T V Agtmael | ER stress and basement membrane defects combine to cause glomerular and tubular renal disease resulting from Col4a1 mutations in mice |
J Biol Chem. 2016 May 13;291(20):10490-10500. | H Nishida-Fukuda, R Araki, M Shudou, H Okazaki, Y Tomono, H Nakayama, S Fukuda, T Sakaue, Y Shirakata, K Sayama, K Hashimoto, M Detmar, S Higashiyama, S Hirakawa | Ectodomain Shedding of Lymphatic Vessel Endothelial Hyaluronan Receptor 1 (LYVE-1) Is Induced by Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (VEGF-A) |
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Apr;27(4):1042-1054. | Z Chen, T Migeon, M-C Verpont, M Zaidan, Y Sado, D Kerjaschki, P Ronco, E Plaisier | HANAC Syndrome Col4a1 Mutation Causes Neonate Glomerular Hyperpermeability and Adult Glomerulocystic Kidney Disease |
Cancer Biol Ther. 2016 Jun 2;17(6):648-656. | S Urano, T Ohara, K Noma, R Katsube, T Ninomiya, Y Tomono, H Tazawa, S Kagawa, Y Shirakawa, F Kimura, K Nouso, A Matsukawa, K Yamamoto, T Fujiwara | Iron depletion enhances the effect of sorafenib in hepatocarcinoma |
Free Radic Res. 2016 Jul;50(7):732-743. | D Uchida, A Takaki, H Ishikawa, Y Tomono, H Kato, K Tsutsumi, N Tamaki, T Maruyama, T Tomofuji, R Tsuzaki, T Yasunaka, K Koike, H Matsushita, F Ikeda, Y Miyake, H Shiraha, K Nouso, R Yoshida, Y Umeda, S Shinoura , T Yagi, T Fujiwara, M Morita, M Fukushima, K Yamamoto, H Okada | Oxidative stress balance is dysregulated and represents an additional target for treating cholangiocarcinoma |
Sci Rep. 2016 Jul 5;6:29450. | T Murata, K Katayama, T Oohashi, T Jahnukainen, T Yonezawa, Y Sado, E Ishikawa, S Nomura, K Tryggvason, M Ito | COL4A6 is dispensable for autosomal recessive Alport syndrome |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016 Sep 23;478(3):1323-1329. | H Makihara, H Inaba, A Enomoto, H Tanaka, Y Tomono, K Ushida, M Goto, K Kurita, Y Nishida, K Kasahara, H Goto, M Inagaki | Desmin phosphorylation by Cdk1 is required for efficient separation of desmin intermediate filaments in mitosis and detected in murine embryonic/newborn muscle and human rhabdomyosarcoma tissues |
Int J Oncol. 2016 Oct;49(4):1351-1359. | S Nishitani, K Noma, T Ohara, Y Tomono, S Watanabe, H Tazawa, Y Shirakawa, T Fujiwara | Iron depletion-induced downregulation of N-cadherin expression inhibits invasive malignant phenotypes in human esophageal cancer |
重井医学年報 38: 3-7, 2016. | 松山誠 | 総説 モノクローナル抗体の利用法 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Am J Pathol. 2017 Mar;187(3):505-516. | S Guiraud, T Migeon, A Ferry, Z Chen, S Ouchelouche, M-C Verpont, Y Sado, V Allamand, P Ronco, E Plaisier | HANAC Col4a1 Mutation in Mice Leads to Skeletal Muscle Alterations due to a Primary Vascular Defect |
Acta Histochem Cytochem. 2017 Apr 27;50(2):71-84. | Y Sado, S Inoue, Y Tomono, M Matsuyama, M Fukushima, T Oohashi, T Jogahara, S-I Oda | Monoclonal Suncus Antibodies: Generation of Fusion Partners to Produce Suncus-Suncus Hybridomas |
J Pharmacol Sci. 2017 Aug;134(4):218-224. | Y Morioka, K Teshigawara, Y Tomono, D Wang, Y Izushi, H Wake, K Liu, H K Takahashi, S Mori, M Nishibori | The specific localization of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) in rat pancreatic islets |
Oncotarget. 2017 Oct 12;8(58):98405-98416. | T Ninomiya, T Ohara, K Noma, Y Katsura, R Katsube, H Kashima, T Kato, Y Tomono, H Tazawa, S Kagawa, Y Shirakawa, F Kimura, L Chen, T Kasai, M Seno, A Matsukawa, T Fujiwara | Iron depletion is a novel therapeutic strategy to target cancer stem cells |
Nat Commun. 2017 Dec 7;8(1):1973. | Y Mii, T Yamamoto, R Takada, S Mizumoto, M Matsuyama, S Yamada, S Takada, M Taira | Roles of two types of heparan sulfate clusters in Wnt distribution and signaling in Xenopus |
重井医学年報 39: 3-6, 2017. | 古家野孝行,松山誠 | 総説 ゲノム編集 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Genome Biol. 2018 Feb 26;19(1):25. | M Ohtsuka, M Sato, H Miura, S Takabayashi, M Matsuyama, T Koyano, N Arifin, S Nakamura, K Wada, C B Gurumurthy | i-GONAD: a robust method for in situ germline genome engineering using CRISPR nucleases |
BMC Biotechnol. 2018 Apr 2;18(1):19. | T Kobayashi, M Namba, T Koyano, M Fukushima, M Sato, M Ohtsuka, M Matsuyama | Successful production of genome-edited rats by the rGONAD method |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018 Apr 6;498(3):544-550. | H Inaba, D Yamakawa, Y Tomono, A Enomoto, S Mii, K Kasahara, H Goto, M Inagaki | Regulation of keratin 5/14 intermediate filaments by CDK1, Aurora-B, and Rho-kinase |
Oncotarget. 2018 Aug 28;9(67):32751-32760. | T Ohara, Y Tomono, X Boyi, S Yingfu, K Omori, A Matsukawa | A novel, nontoxic iron chelator, super-polyphenol, effectively induces apoptosis in human cancer cell lines |
Elife. 2018 Oct 25;7:e38883. | C-C Cheng, K Tsutsui, T Taguchi, N Sanzen, A Nakagawa, K Kakiguchi, S Yonemura, C Tanegashima, S D Keeley, H Kiyonari, Y Furuta, Y Tomono, F M Watt, H Fujiwara | Hair follicle epidermal stem cells define a niche for tactile sensation |
Ann Neurol. 2018 Dec;84(6):843-853. | S Miyatake, S Schneeberger, N Koyama, K Yokochi, K Ohmura, M Shiina, H Mori, E Koshimizu, E Imagawa, Y Uchiyama, S Mitsuhashi, M C Frith, A Fujita, M Satoh, M Taguri, Y Tomono, K Takahashi, H Doi, H Takeuchi, Mitsuko Nakashima, T Mizuguchi, A Takata, N Miyake, H Saitsu, F Tanaka, K Ogata, T Hennet, N Matsumoto | Biallelic COLGALT1 variants are associated with cerebral small vessel disease |
重井医学年報 40: 3-9, 2018. | 小林朋絵,難波真澄,古家野孝行,福島正樹,佐藤正宏,大塚正人,松山誠 | 新たなゲノム編集技術GONAD法を用いた遺伝子改変ラットの作製法 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Cancers (Basel). 2019 Feb 3;11(2):177. | Y Katsura, T Ohara, K Noma, T Ninomiya, H Kashima, T Kato, H Sato, S Komoto, T Narusaka, Y Tomono, B Xing, Y Chen, H Tazawa, S Kagawa, Y Shirakawa, T Kasai, M Seno, A Matsukawa, T Fujiwara | A Novel Combination Cancer Therapy with Iron Chelator Targeting Cancer Stem Cells via Suppressing Stemness |
Acta Med Okayama. 2019 Apr;73(2):135-146. | T Maeba, T Yonezawa, M Ono, Y Tomono, R Heljasvaara, T Pihlajaniemi, K Inagawa, T Oohashi | Collagen XVIII Deposition in the Basement Membrane Zone beneath the Newly Forming Epidermis during Wound Healing in Mice |
J Comp Neurol. 2019 Apr 1;527(5):985-998. | A Kubo, H Misonou, M Matsuyama, A Nomori, S Wada-Kakuda, A Takashima, M Kawata, S Murayama, Y Ihara, T Miyasaka | Distribution of endogenous normal tau in the mouse brain |
Nat Protoc. 2019 Aug;14(8):2452-2482. | C B Gurumurthy, M Sato, A Nakamura, M Inui, N Kawano, M A Islam, S Ogiwara, S Takabayashi, M Matsuyama, S Nakagawa, H Miura, M Ohtsuka | Creation of CRISPR-based germline-genome-engineered mice without ex vivo handling of zygotes by i-GONAD |
J Neurosci. 2019 Aug 21;39(34):6781-6797. | A Kubo, S Ueda, A Yamane, S Wada-Kakuda, M Narita, M Matsuyama, A Nomori, A Takashima, T Kato, O Onodera, M Goto , M Ito, T Tomiyama, H Mori, S Murayama, Y Ihara, H Misonou, T Miyasaka | Ectopic Expression Induces Abnormal Somatodendritic Distribution of Tau in the Mouse Brain |
Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 19;9(1):12059. | T Koyano, M Namba, T Kobayashi, K Nakakuni, D Nakano, M Fukushima, A Nishiyama, M Matsuyama | The p21 dependent G2 arrest of the cell cycle in epithelial tubular cells links to the early stage of renal fibrosis |
Sci Rep. 2019 Oct 1;9(1):14101. | T Kumrungsee, T Kariya, K Hashimoto, T Koyano, N Yazawa, T Hashimoto, Y Sanada, M Matsuyama, Y Sotomaru, H Sakurai, F A J van de Loo, N Yanaka | The serum amyloid A3 promoter-driven luciferase reporter mice is a valuable tool to image early renal fibrosis development and shows the therapeutic effect of glucosyl-hesperidin treatment |
Cancer Res. 2019 Oct 15;79(20):5367-5381. | Y Mizutani, H Kobayashi, T Iida, N Asai, A Masamune, A Hara, N Esaki, K Ushida, S Mii, Y Shiraki, K Ando, L Weng, S Ishihara, S M Ponik, M W Conklin, H Haga, A Nagasaka, T Miyata, M Matsuyama, T Kobayashi, T Fujii, S Yamada, J Yamaguchi, T Wang, S L Woods, D Worthley, T Shimamura, M Fujishiro, Y Hirooka, A Enomoto, M Takahashi | Meflin-Positive Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Inhibit Pancreatic Carcinogenesis |
重井医学年報 41: 3-20, 2019. | 友野靖子,大西香織,佐渡義一,井上聡子 | ラット腎臓基底膜に対するスンクスモノクローナル抗体の作製 |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Cell Commun Signal. 2020 Mar 6;18(1):39. | J Wang, A Nishiyama, M Matsuyama, Z Wang, Y Yuan | The (pro)renin receptor: a novel biomarker and potential therapeutic target for various cancers |
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 May 26;117(21):11493-11502. | T Noda, Y Lu, Y Fujihara, S Oura, T Koyano, S Kobayashi, M M Matzuk, M Ikawa | Sperm proteins SOF1, TMEM95, and SPACA6 are required for sperm-oocyte fusion in mice |
Nat Commun. 2020 Jun 2;11(1):2777. | T Yamamura, T Horinouchi, T Adachi, M Terakawa, Y Takaoka, K Omachi, M Takasato, K Takaishi, T Shoji, Y Onishi, Y Kanazawa, M Koizumi, Y Tomono, A Sugano, A Shono, S Minamikawa, C Nagano, N Sakakibara, S Ishiko, Y Aoto, M Kamura, Y Harita, K Miura, S Kanda, N Morisada, R Rossanti, M J Ye, Y Nozu, M Matsuo, H Kai, K Iijima, K Nozu | Development of an exon skipping therapy for X-linked Alport syndrome with truncating variants in COL4A5 |
Sci Rep. 2020 Jul 28;10(1):12613. | A Konno, N Matsumoto, Y Tomono, S Okazaki | Pathological application of carbocyanine dye-based multicolour imaging of vasculature and associated structures |
Biol Reprod. 2020 Aug 4;103(2):244-253. | K Nozawa, Q Zhang, H Miyata, D J Devlin, Z Yu, S Oura, T Koyano, M Matsuyama, M Ikawa | Knockout of serine-rich single-pass membrane protein 1(Ssmem1) causes globozoospermia and sterility in male mice |
Mol Cancer Ther. 2020 Sep;19(9):1844-1855. | A Rahman, M Matsuyama, A Ebihara, Y Shibayama, A U Hasan, H Nakagami, F Suzuki, J Sun, T Kobayashi, H Hayashi, D Nakano, H Kobara, T Masaki, A Nishiyama | Antiproliferative Effects of Monoclonal Antibodies against (Pro)Renin Receptor in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma |
重井医学年報 42: 3-8, 2020. | 古家野孝行,難波真澄,小林朋絵,河野真優美,福島正樹,松山誠 | 近位尿細管のp21依存的な細胞周期G2期停止は腎線維化の進行に関与する |
冊子名Publications | 著者名Authors | 論文名Title |
Cell Rep. 2021 Mar 9;34(10):108817. | D Yamakawa, D Katoh, K Kasahara, T Shiromizu, M Matsuyama, C Matsuda, Y Maeno, M Watanabe, Y Nishimura, M Inagaki | Primary cilia-dependent lipid raft/caveolin dynamics regulate adipogenesis |
Intern Med. 2021 Mar 15;60(6):911-915. | M Miyake, K Katayama, T Ehara, Y Sado, S Nawa, T Murata, Y Mizutani, K Joh, M Ito, K Dohi | Collagenofibrotic Glomerulopathy |
PLoS One. 2021 Apr 13;16(4):e0249909. | S Tang, T Yonezawa, Y Maeda, M Ono, T Maeba, T Miyoshi, R Momota, Y Tomono, T Oohashi | Lack of collagen α6(IV) chain in mice does not cause severe-to-profound hearing loss or cochlear malformation, a distinct phenotype from nonsyndromic hearing loss with COL4A6 missense mutation |
PLoS Genet. 2021 May 7;17(5):e1009412. | S Oura, T Koyano, C Kodera, Y Horisawa-Takada, M Matsuyama, K Ishiguro, M Ikawa | KCTD19 and its associated protein ZFP541 are independently essential for meiosis in male mice |
Glycobiology. 2021 Jun 3;31(5):557-570. | Y Ohmi, T Nishikaze, Y Kitaura, T Ito, S Yamamoto, F Sugiyama, M Matsuyama, Y Takahashi, A Takeda, T Kawahara, T Okajima, K Furukawa, K Furukawa | Majority of alpha2,6-sialylated glycans in the adult mouse brain exist in O-glycans: SALSA-MS analysis for knockout mice of alpha2,6-sialyltransferase genes |
Int J Cancer. 2021 Jul 15;149(2):347-357. | T Narusaka, T Ohara, K Noma, N Nishiwaki, Y Katsura, T Kato, H Sato, Y Tomono, S Kikuchi, H Tazawa, Y Shirakawa, A Matsukawa, T Fujiwara | Nanog is a promising chemoresistant stemness marker and therapeutic target by iron chelators for esophageal cancer |
Dev Growth Differ. 2021 Oct;63(8):439-447. | M Namba, T Kobayashi, T Koyano, M Kohno, M Ohtsuka, M Matsuyama | GONAD: A new method for germline genome editing in mice and rats |
J Cell Sci. 2021 Oct 15;134(20):jcs259381. | X Zhang, J Sun, Y Lu, J Zhang , K Shimada, T Noda, S Zhao, T Koyano, M Matsuyama, S Zhou, J Wu, M Ikawa, M Liu | LRRC23 is a conserved component of the radial spoke that is necessary for sperm motility and male fertility in mice |
Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 21;11(1):20836. | M Namba, T Kobayashi, M Kohno, T Koyano, T Hirose, M Fukushima, M Matsuyama | Creation of X-linked Alport syndrome rat model with Col4a5 deficiency |
細胞外マトリックス実験法 コラーゲンの基礎研究から再生医療への応用まで, 新井克彦・服部俊治[編者], 丸善出版, 東京, pp369-375, 2021. | 友野靖子 | 8.4 腎臓由来細胞 8.4.1 腎・メサンギウム細胞 |
重井医学年報 43: 3-13, 2021. | 難波真澄,小林朋絵,河野真優美,古家野孝行,廣瀬卓男,福島正樹,松山誠 | X染色体連鎖型アルポート症候群モデルラットの作製とその機能解析 |